
The Awakening: A Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

In the vast whiteness of somewhere there was a dimly glowing blob of purple light that appeared to be sleeping. Light *Znnzz* could be heard throughout the vast somewhereness originating from this little ball of sleeping light.

"Wake up!" boomed throughout the somewhereness.
"Five more minutes mom," said the purple light blob "I'm not your mother! Wake up you impudent soul!" mysterious loud voice. "Huh, who are you? Where am I?" panicked purple light blob "Where is My body!? Wait, who am I?!"

"One at a time mortal," said the voice "Firstly I am the being that is known as God. Second and third you are dead and are getting a chance to reincarnate, also you won't remember any of this. You already don't remember most of your previous life,

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