
The Ba Ath Party

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After gaining their independence from France, Syria became tainted with volatile governments. The Ba’ath Party, which was basically a part of the army, came into power beginning in 1963. Seven years later an Alawite faction in the army, whose chief was Hafez Assad, began to control the Ba’ath Party and get rid of all the non-Alawites. The Alawites are followers of Ali and are generally called Shiites. They seem to worship people like Mohammed, Ali, Christ, Adam, Plato, and Socrates. Further, they celebrate Christmas and believe in reincarnation. After Hafez Assad’s death, his son, Bashar Assad, took his place and continued to cling to Alawite power, even if it meant war with most of the Syrian people, the Sunni Muslims. The Arab Spring encouraged

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