After gaining their independence from France, Syria became tainted with volatile governments. The Ba’ath Party, which was basically a part of the army, came into power beginning in 1963. Seven years later an Alawite faction in the army, whose chief was Hafez Assad, began to control the Ba’ath Party and get rid of all the non-Alawites. The Alawites are followers of Ali and are generally called Shiites. They seem to worship people like Mohammed, Ali, Christ, Adam, Plato, and Socrates. Further, they celebrate Christmas and believe in reincarnation. After Hafez Assad’s death, his son, Bashar Assad, took his place and continued to cling to Alawite power, even if it meant war with most of the Syrian people, the Sunni Muslims. The Arab Spring encouraged
A small faction making up 12% of the Syrian population, were referred to as Nusaryi, a label that emphasized their religious groups different approach to Islam, were viewed as heretics of the Islamic religion. During the Ottoman rule, the Nusaryi were the most numerous and poorest of the peasants. Of the Nusaryi who were fortunate enough to have a job, were most likely worked for the Sunni Muslim landlords in the mountain region. In 1920, the French changed their named to Alawite. The term “Alawi” suggested an adherent to Ali, the son in law of Muhammad. This was done to highlight the similarities to the Shiite branch of Islam. The Alawites thrived more than any other faction from the French mandate. The villages on the mountain range and bordering city of Latakia were composed of high amounts of the Alawite faction. The French mandate allowed the areas the govern themselves and jurisdiction over their own people (Fildis). Because the French viewed the Alawites in the mountain range area as potentially strong allies, they took exceeding measures to ensure their support and progress. They introduced schools into the villages, providing opportunities for large amounts of Alawite children to have an education and a future that leads to more than being a servant to a Sunni (MacFarquhar). Many Alawites chose to join the military, it being one of the best outcomes and ways for the Alawites to change their social condition. Over time, an Alawite military
A key decision- maker in Syria during that period, and a direct witness, Abdul-Halim Khaddam, a former Syrian vice President of Hafez Assad, who spoke to the «Middle East» for that period, saying: «before the Iranian revolution in 1979, Syria had relations with the people who were preparing for the Iranian revolution of Khomeini's group via Musa al-Sadr. Musa al-Sadr was a friend and one of Khomeini's groups.
By the end of 1856, the nation’s political landscape had shifted due to the issue of slavery. The Whig Party, which was organized in 1834, had split over the issue of slavery in 1852 once General Winfield Scott became the Whig nominee for president. Scott owed his nomination to the Northern whigs who opposed the Fugitive Slave Act and gave only lukewarm support to the Compromise of 1850. However, many Southern Whigs backed the Compromise of 1850 in order to appear both proslavery and pro-Union. Because of Scott’s position, the Whig vote in the south fell from 50 percent in 1848 to 35 percent in 1852, which resulted in handing the election to the Democratic candidate Franklin Pierce. Shortly after, in 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska Act brought about
On the day of the 1844 presidential election, the German editor of Louisville newspaper Beobachter urged the immigrant population to arm themselves and assert their rights at the poll. Later, native born citizens of Louisville gathered in front of the newspaper’s office and forced the editor to flee. The damage done by the inflammatory statements perpetuated, however: when Kentucky Senator Henry Clay lost against James K. Polk in the race for president, many people blamed the foreign vote. As a result of the 1844 presidential election, many Whigs began to drift towards the ideology of nativism in Kentucky. The nativist movement had begun garnering attention in localized areas throughout the rest of the United States as well. Nativism,
The National Republicans were a political party created after the Election of 1824. Although John Quincy Adams lost to Andrew Jackson in the Election of 1828 the party opposed to Jackson was the National Republican Party, or Anti-Jacksonians created and run by Henry Clay. It had a nationalistic outlook, and wanted to use national resources to build a strong economy. Its platform was a system of nationally financed internal improvements and a protective tariff, which would promote faster economic development. The National Republicans were significant in that they were the opposition party to the Democrats and Andrew Jackson, but also, with their strong economical policies and ideas, fostered the creation of the Market Economy.
China's national legislature, the National Party Congress, began its annual meeting last week, and voting on several measures, including changes to a state secrecy law that been under revision for 14 years. The legislative body passing laws, albeit largely by rubber-stamp, stands in stark contrast to the deadlock that can be found on the other side of the world, where U.S. politicians seem incapable of moving any sort of legislation through Congress.
One-party framework: a one-party framework can't deliver a political framework as we would distinguish it in Britain. One gathering can't deliver whatever other framework other than imperious/domineering force. A state where one gathering tenets would incorporate the staying comrade conditions of the world (Cuba, North Korea and China), and Iraq (where the decision party is the Ba'ath Party). The old Soviet union was a one gathering state. One of the more typical elements of a one-party state is that the position of the decision party is ensured in a constitution and all types of political restriction are prohibited by law. The decision party controls all parts of life inside that state. The conviction that a decision party is extremely critical to a
The Grand New Party came alive in a small schoolhouse in Wisconsin when a group of abolitionist gathered to fight the expansion of slavery. The Republican party is now one of the two major political parties that makes up the United States political system. The Republican party typically sticks to more conservative views on major issues in the government. Three topics of constant concern for the party include taxation, gun control, and immigration.
The dominant literary element of “The Stolen Party” is the plot, but all the elements work together to create a story about a girl who deals with the differences between upper and lower class families.
Ali’s son Husayn was sought out and asked to lead a revolt against the Uyammad’s. When Husayn set out on his journey to overthrow Yazid, the current caliph, his “supporters” failed to join his band. Husayn and 72 of his followers were killed on the plains of Karbala, Iraq. Thus the Shi’at Ali (Party of Ali) or Shia sect of Islam was born (Egger 2004). The Sunni sect would continue to support what they saw as the traditional path of Islam.
Innocence is a precious gift that we all have at some point. In Liliana Heker’s ‘The Stolen Party’, Rosaura experiences a loss of innocence after attending her friend Luciana’s birthday party. Before the party, Rosaura is unaware of her social standing and she believes has been invited as a friend. Her innocent attitude is amplified while at the party when she demonstrates a sense of superiority towards the other guests. By the end of the party, however, her innocence is shattered when she realizes the differences that exist as a result of her social class. As a result of her experience at the party Rosaura changes from a naive girl and learns that she cannot cross the line from lower
Islamic Law governs all forms of Legislation in Syria. The country’s religious demographic is also heavily comprised of followers of the religion of Islam. These religious followers divided into different sects with 74% Sunni. Ismailis, Alawis, and Shi’a make up 13% of the population. The Druze account for 3%, and there is a small population of Christians at 10% (Unknown, “2010 Report on International Religious Freedom—Syria”, 2010). The country has attempted to make a large push for religious freedom. Religion and state have “officially” always been separate, although Muslim code is the basis for several laws and decrees. The constitution allows religious freedom but restricts some religious matters. Some religious groups are even outlawed, Jehovah’s Witness (Unknown, “International Religious Freedom Report 2010”,
The Liberal Democratic Party has been ruled from 1955 until 2009, and its main goal is supported the interests of business and economic growth to rebuild a strong nation and economy. The Liberal Democratic party have achieved great economic success, which allowed it to provide benefits to large segments of the population. Even though
The Ba’ath party, a political party that combines Arab nationalism with socialism, strived to increase middle class’ wealth, as well as create a country of prosperity and innovation. Saddam Hussein had great economic intentions for the country, but is nonetheless responsible for the deaths of
President Assad was given an outstanding western education, receiving a degree for ophthalmology from a London-based medical school. Naturally there was hope that since Assad had spent time in one of the most consolidated democracies, he might have been more willing to implement democratic measures in Syria than his father. Assad’s rise to power was actually through a series of rather lucky events for him. Originally his older brother was selected as his father’s heir but an unexpected car accident thrust Bashar into the spotlight. Upon the death of his father, Bashar then proceeded to be appointed leader of the major political party and the army after which he was elected president.