In The Mishomis Book, there were multiple fires described; the seventh being the last. Each fire led up to the seventh fire; the time where the light-skinned race will be given the choice between two roads. The good road will lead to eternal peace, love, brotherhood, and sisterhood. The bad road will result in suffering and death of everyone on earth. The good road is known as the road to spiritualism. The light-skinned race will follow the way of God, and he will lead them to their eternal peace, love, brotherhood, and sisterhood. The bad road is known as the road to technology. “In today's society, technology and spiritualism often conflict dramatically. More and more people are straying away from morals and their spiritualistic self.” …show more content…
Technology seems to be nothing but great for many reasons. As technology advances, we acquire new and safer ways of communication, travel, and equipment used to save lives. For example, it is much easier to call someone on the phone than it is to send letters in the mail. Also, more lives are saved now than a long time ago due to more advanced equipment in hospitals. We can definitely say that technology has only done us right, but we might think differently if we look at it from a different angle. As technology advances, it begins to take over jobs that humans once had. For example, we have factories to do many of the jobs that humans once did by hand. This is not necessarily bad, but I could see robotic waiters/waitresses and self driving cars in our future. This will take away a lot of connection between humans because it will cause them to interact less. It could also cause them to become lazy because they will no longer be needed for everyday jobs such as being a waiter/waitress or driving a car. There will also be a lower demand for jobs, causing more people to fall into …show more content…
I would say most definitely. Not only have we been given the choice between spiritualism and and technology, but we have made our choice; the wrong choice. According to the seventh fire, we will cause a lot of suffering and death to Earth's people if we continue on the route that we have been going on. In my opinion, we were not destined to make this choice. I believe that if our society was different, we may have made the choice toward spiritualism. If we were not so caught up with following the crowd, each and every one of us would have taken more time to truly ourselves. If we were able to do that, we might have been able to think more logically about our choices for the future. In “She Came to Stay”, Beauvoire describes how Françoise’s sense of self is transformed by her experiences with other people. She explains how the way that other people look at her changes the way she views herself, and transforms her completely. This relates to our society very well. Everyone cares what other people think, and that is what shaped us into the people we are today. If we didn’t care so much what other people think, we would have much more time to figure ourselves out. I also believe that this would have drawn us closer to spiritualism, and eventually leading us down the good
I believe technology itself is not destroying us it is the way that we are using it which is our downfall. Technology has the ability to do so many things, but we are at the controls. In the book “Fahrenheit 451” everybody is consumed by their technology, and they are on it every second of the day. Take Mildred, for example, she is obsessed with this reality tv show and has even started calling that family her own. Mildred doesn’t care about money or her husband she just cares about their next technological upgrade.
Technology has become apart of the human way of life. Simply step outside and technology can be seen everywhere. It aids not only our nation, but the world as a whole. Yet there was a point an time in history where technology didn't exists; it was just a mere thought. Such an idea was once thought to be inhuman or idiotic. It was portrayed as witch craft, unnatural, and frond upon because people were unwilling to change and accept new ideas. Yet when beliefs are tested, broken down, and explained, then greatness comes about it. There are people who brave enough to test these theories, without them we wouldn't be where we are today. Technology has been one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind.
It is ultimately how it is used that makes it bad or good. Humans need to stop obsessing over technology so much though. We need to become less dependent upon technology to live day to day. It was possible to live before technology so it shouldn’t be too hard. If we allow it to advance faster than us, it has the potential to destroy humankind.
Technology is good for our society because it helps keeps us safe and helps our lives. This also applies to the novel The Giver, by Lois Lowry. In the novel, everyone is in a controlled environment where they are constantly monitored, and there is barely any individuality between them. This is both good and bad because while they have a fiction int society with little to no issues, the people there have lost individuality and they are just like everybody else.
There is a universal truth that is largely accepted, socially as well as scientifically, when it comes to the observation of human beings: they are adaptable, and thus, are always evolving. Every day, people are conditioned and molded by their surroundings because they are influenced, as well as prodded, by the idea of acceptance in a society, which in return, transcends into a conceptual idea of conformity. However, there are occasionally unique individuals who refuse to adapt entirely, and instead project unorthodox ideas that differ from the status-quo of societal beliefs. Consequently, this manner of individualism causes them to be looked upon differently in the realm of where they reside. In many works of literature, a free-thinking individual
This dismal shade must separate me from the world.” (Hawthorne, 29). The stereotypical opinion of society caused the Minister to be rejected, but if more people left and found themselves apart from society, their leveled opinions could prevent these situations from ever happening. We, not as a society, but as people, should be kind to others. Impertinence towards others is a meaningless waste of time.
Technology today is very sophisticated. It has also transformed American society for the better. From Google to facebook, technology has contributed in many diverse forms. I think that these advances in technology have had a positive effect on the United States society.
Many of the goods and services we depend on daily are now supplied by intelligent, automated machines rather than human beings. Robots are doing the things we should be doing. People are now ordering stuff online so they don’t have to deal with other people. Conversations are now mainly on electronics whether it’s on a phone call or texting. Humans are losing relationships and human interaction.
Today in our scoeity is technology good or harmful? There is conflict that tehcnology is more harfmul than it is good. But, technology is good because it is helpful, allows easy access, and helps relieve stress. So, that means it is more good than hamrful.
One reason why technology is good is that it has saved many lives. We have new machines to scan bodies and test blood and other fluids so that doctors can find diseases and
Last but not least, technology makes us lazy. Children do not want to read books anymore when they can just run to a computer and get the summary of the book. People are becoming obese because they are not getting out of their homes anymore to exercise because they are glued to Farmville on Facebook. We rather do something easy than actually take the time to do it the long way around. Technology has made the people of the world couch potatoes. We can do everything at a push of a button, and we don’t have to put forth much effort to do the things that we once use to do manually.
Technology is everywhere from our cars on the road to televisions in our houses and phones in our pockets. Tech is very useful to production and manufacturing to construct the basic needs and wants for our survival. So right away, it’s associated with being something positive. When taking a closer look at tech though, is it really a good thing, or is it a hidden evil waiting to take us down from the inside? We have already let it into our lives full force, and already invited it into our houses. Could it be lurking, waiting for when we fully depend upon it to strike? It 's already in our lives and slowly forcing our dependence upon it. It 's only a matter of time before it handicaps us both mentally and physically. Technology negatively impacts our social norms.
Over time our lives seem to have become more and more integrated with our technology. Some may say that this is a very bad thing because this change may result in the loss of jobs for millions of people. Jobs such as, cashiers, bankers, legal assistants, and maybe even taxi drivers. The future may appear bleak at first, but the truth of the matter is that robots taking over our simple and automatable jobs just mean that our jobs can evolve with the technology. A very similar thing happened during the industrial revolution when technologies were developed that massively increased the efficiency and yield of farming. This in turn led to a vast increase of food in the country which led to a lesser need for everyone to be a farmer. With a massive amount of food, former farm workers, and advanced technology, a business of mass production and manufacturing began. The loss of jobs due to technology led to a
I feel that I have answered my questions. I think that technology is going to be mostly good for the world. I hope kids get off technology a little more and pay attention to what's right in front of them. I believe we can make a change with technology and make the world better if we wanted to. I also don't want to go to far with technology and make that the most important thing in the
Technology has made a big difference in our society such as communication, work, education, and entertainment in good and bad ways. Some people say that technology has made life better with the internet, cell phones and other devices. While others say technology has been making life worse because people are becoming lazy and replace their lives with technology every day. Technology surrounds almost everyone in modern society and it affects our lives in many ways.