
The Bashido Code

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Bashido is the code the Japanese samurai followed. There were three basic codes they were expected to follow. The biggest one was to have good virtue and morally correct thinking. This law was the basis of the others. Another law was courage. There is a difference between bravery and courage and Bushido defines the difference. Courage is worthy and it is doing what is right. Mercy is also a code in Bashido. It states that the samurai have the ability to kill and command but they also have to equally demonstrate mercy and compassion. Samurai also had to be honest and sincere. Samurai were supposed to look down on money and they were even taught to believe that talking about wealth showed poor character. Samurai also were supposed to hold great honor. They have to understand their sense of dignity and worth because the fear of disgrace was constantly on their mind. The last two are loyalty and self-control. Bushido teachings taught that you have to behave morally. They have to understand that …show more content…

Most of these codes for both centralize around respect, courage, helping those in need, and loyalty. If everyone respected one another there will be less conflicts and people would get along better. Another problem in the world is that people do not have courage to stand up for what is right. A good example is observing someone bully an innocent and not stepping in. Being courageous and standing up for what is right can change the world. There are many people who are lower class all around the world. If you helped out those in need, even just a little, it could mean the world to them. For example, giving money or food to the homeless or helping someone pay for an item if they are a few dollars off. Last but not least, people need to be more loyal. If you are in a relationship, you don’t go and cheat and lie to the person you’re with. You also need to be loyal when someone tells you a secret or trusts you with an

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