
The Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother Summary

Decent Essays

“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”

In “the Battle Hymn Of the Tiger Mother” , a professor at the Yale Law school that goes by the name Amy Chua brought up various ways that Chinese parents differ from Westerners. Her main point was showing how Chinese parents raise such successful children. CHua is mainly pointing out the better in Chinese culture and how the culture is way more effective on their children. Some people may think she's robbing her children of their childhood , but others may argue that she's not considering that they might be raising their children to be successful as well. Amy describes in detail how Chinese parents have more strict values that carry on with their children from a young age. Being praised and admired for doing …show more content…

Chua is unsuccessful at persuading readers that her method of parenting is successful and I disagree because not all kids that go through discipline in their life end up successful.
Amy Chua addresses in the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother ,a few main points to show the difference in how Chinese parents raise their children compared to western parents. Chua first brings up that in a study she did, zero percent of Chinese parents agreed with that learning is fun and stressing academic success is not good for children. On the other hand seventy percent of Western parents did. Chinese parents disagree with the idea because in their eyes they think that their kids academic achievement shows how successful their parents are. However Western parents don't seem to worry about their reputation and how successful their kids turn out. On the other hand Chinese parents do worry about how their children turn out. Another point brought up by Chua is Chinese parents can do things Westerner parents can’t , such as say anything to their children. Chinese parents

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