
The Battle Of Bunker Hill

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The Battle of Bunker Hill is one of the first battles of the American Revolution,it is after the battles of Lexington and concord about two months.(Brown 2)Although commonly referred to as the Battle of Bunker Hill, most of the fighting occurred on nearby Breed’s Hill,which is in Charlestown, Massachusetts.(McGill 1)The battle is on June 17,1775.The British wanted to extend their control outside the limits of Boston.(Grayson 40)After three attack,Americans fight hard but lose.(Brown 3)
In June,thousands of colonists besieged the British Army in Boston.(James Kirby 2)British forces marched up Breed’s Hill on the Charlestown peninsula near Boston.(Brown 1)The night of June 16,one of the American army called Peter Brown was serving as a clerk or orderly sergeant.(Brown 2)The colonists had secretly built defenses in Charlestown.(McGill 1)
At about five o’clock in the morning,an unknown participant fired the first shot,and then all Boston fortified against the American patriots.(McGill 1)After Americans espied as many as 40 boats or barges coming over,full of troops.(Grayson 40)British Lieutenant General Thomas Gage planned to fortify the hills on Dorchester Heights,south of Boston.(James Kirby 1)The bloodiest battle of the American Revolutionary War started.(James Kirby 1)
Thomas Gage—the honest,honorable British commander.The most powerful official in the colonies,Gage found himself cast as villain by the colonists and scapegoat by George III for his efforts to cope with an

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