The Battle of Technology Within the 21st century, technology has become very advanced and even addictive for some individuals. With the rapid growth of technology, there has been a debate on if we are overusing technology in our lives. Some people see technology as a force that has escaped from human control while others feel that technology is continually improving the quality of life. In the past, mobile phones were only used as a means to communicate via phone call or text. Today, they are more than just a mere communication device. They are now considered to be an essential part of our everyday lives. Technology continues to advance day by day, and at the same time people are continuing to rely more and more on them. The negative effects of cellphone use are displayed through the reduction of human interaction, instant gratification, and human health issues. There have been significant advancements in the field of technology and science over the past several decades, for example the mobile phone, which was introduced in the mid 1980’s. Although, these developments offer many benefits, they bring upon many negative side effects as well. Consequently, the most important side effect to visit upon is the reduction of human interaction. We live in a world where communication through modern technology is more or so required than optional, from school to work, professor or boss, emailing, iMessaging, and social networking. Mobile phones are changing the way the humans
Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Sony Bonno and Lisa Marie Presley all have one similar lifestyle. Yes, they are all famous celebrities, however, this lifestyle has more effect on a person than any career possibly could. These celebrities, among many more, are part of what has been called “The Church of Hollywood.” They are all Scientologists. The Church of Scientology is one manufactured by a former science fiction writer who could not stop lying about himself and his religion up till his death on January 24th, 1986. L. Ron Hubbard lied about everything from his Boy Scout triumphs to his heroism as a decorated soldier. Hubbard is anything but a man of God and yet his followers see him as the ultimate being. Since December of
Media and how it makes people behave The media is all around us. One form its brought to us is by magazines. Magazines are printed out daily bringing people the latest stories of celebrities, things going on around the world and much more. From the first glance it might not seem so bad but if you dig deeper into what the media is doing then you might just be surprised.
Technology can control people’s lives if they let it. This can be shown by people always looking forward to the next smartphone. People get so obsessed with all the new technology that all some talk about is the updates that the newest smartphone will or won’t have. Even though having a nice, new phone would seem like a great tool, it can actually hinder face to face conversation. A study conducted by Baylor University showed that their students averaged nine hours on their phones in a single day.
America’s Technology Addiction In Nicholas Carr’s “How smartphones hijack our minds” and Jean Twenge’s “Have Smartphones Destroyed A Generation?” they discuss and analyze the effect smartphones have on a person’s health and functionality. This is a topic worthy of discussion because all citizens of the United States are affected by the addictive properties of smartphones and need to be properly educated on how to recognize the negative effects. The two authors have contrasting opinions on the topic of smart-technology, but do provide similar ideas.
The 21st Century is unlike any other century. Our lives tend to depend on technology. Technology makes our lives easier while it can also be a hazard to us. Technology causes us to be less social. Both articles “Our Cell Phones, ourselves”, by Christine Rosen and “Taking the Offensive Against Cell Phones”, by Lisa Guernsey are centered on the relationship between humans and technology.
We currently live in a society where technology has become a necessity, more specifically, cell phones have become essential and people go crazy when they are without this particular device. This obsession with our cellular devices has caused many deaths, affected our form of communication with others, and making us stupider.
Believing that addictions to cell phones are becoming increasingly realistic, he surveyed 164 college undergrads and discovered that “cell-phones [had] become inextricably woven into our daily lives — an almost invisible driver of modern life.” This information shows that as more and more people are becoming avid users of cell phones, the harder it is growing to put them down. In the future, researchers like Roberts are developing machines to see whether or not an “addiction” to cell phones is a diagnosable condition. Researchers in the U.K. studied 1,529 teenaged students and categorized around 153 as “problematic users" of cell phones. All of this leads to the ultimate conclusion, which is that cell phones can be an addiction. The author clearly proves her point by showing how research has backed up her opinion, and she believes that this sort of addiction can be diagnosable in the future
Thesis: The usage of cell phones in modern day society has caused quite the problem for citizens in this generation by being a major distraction, causing addictions, and has sadly became the main resource of communication.
The cell phone has become a centerpiece of everyday life as cell phones are evolving and have been increasing their functionalities. Today, we use them today for many others reasons than what cell phones were originally designed to do. People are using them so often that they are becoming dependent on their phones that they have even become addicted to them. Those who are addicted to their cell phones struggle to stay away from them for a certain period of time and become so indulged in all of the unique things they can provide. With cell phone addiction comes many problems or issues that can occur in an individual’s life. Cell phone addiction has lead to differences in people mentally, physically, and behaviorally.
Although smartphones are making life in the twenty-first century very convenient, they introduce a variety of consequences from excessive use. There are parts of the author’s argument that could take into consideration some other points, while other parts of her assertion are spot on and very accurate.
Are we addicted to our cell phones? This is a common question that has arisen in the past several years as our phone technology and capabilities continue to increase. According to recent statistics, 85% of the U.S. population are cell phone users (Chen).We Americans use our cell phones to do just about everything. We talk, text, check our E-mail, surf the Internet, and interact in social networking, all on our phones. Because our phones have become so resourceful to us in our everyday lives, many say that cell phones have become addicting. Cell phones in today 's life have become very addicting to many people, and there are many ways in which to show how they are addicting.
In the world today, cell phones are being used more than ever before. Everywhere you go, cell phones are present, and its users range from almost all ages. There is no avoiding the fact that cell phones are a prominent way of communication. They have become so influential in peoples’ everyday lives that many can not imagine life without a cell phone. Cell phones are not necessarily a bad tool, when used in moderation. Cell phones are changing the way people communicate and the way they live their everyday lives.
Technology has become a great benefit to us but many people have taken it too far. According to researcher and surveys taken all over the world shows that a large number of people may have become addicted to their technological devices and are not able to make it through a day without their cell phones or other technological devices. Many have concerns that people would rather use these devices than to have a face to face conversation. The addictions of technological devices are on the rise. Although these devices were meant to make our lives easier there have been many problems to arise ranging from health risk, relationship problems, classroom, church, and work interferences. Statistics show that cell
I found the topic of how cell phones affect society very interesting and relevant to my time. Technology like cell phones are a very big aspect of life and will continue to grow. I knew very little before I researched the topic. All that I knew was the things I see day to day, but I spent a week researching how they affect our interaction and found some very interesting facts. I found a lot of new aspects of life that cell phones affect that I never thought of. Many of the facts I found as I researched I actually had seen before, I just had not paid attention to them.
Just buying your groceries, you can see dozens of people texting, emailing, or using social media, we live in a world where this consider commonplace and natural.Cellphone have taken over the planet to the degree that of the 7.5 billion people on the planet roughly 6 billion have cellphones, while only 4.5 have access to working toilets (ASAPScience, 2016). While you yourself probably text and social network multiple times throughout the day, have you ever consider trying to live a month without it. Per day, U.S. teens spend about 7.5 hours using their phones, computers, and other devices, a number has likely increased (Learning to Talk, 2). Technology has replaced many tasks and electronic communication is now replacing human connection. The increasing use of electronics to communicate is eroding real human connection and depriving people of necessary social skills and damaging our health.