
The Battle Of The Marne

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Some would look at the second battle of the Marne as the turning point in WW1. It is fair to say that this battle’s accomplishment did set the Allied forces on an offensive that would see the end of the war in just 100 days after the offensive’s end. Although this is a rock hard truth other factors certainly contributed to the Allies push forward which eventually saw the end of the war. Consider this: the “Dough Boy” American forces had come into the war fresh for fight at the time of the 2nd Battle of the Marne. Additionally the German forces did make several key tactical errors which aided the tide of the battle. So what maneuvers and or intelligence could have swayed the way this battle went? As we take a look into this scenario I pose …show more content…

Paris was still a free area to the Allies and aside from that fact holding a great moral advantage it was also a key to war essential industry. Although this was the case the area surrounding the Marne was very restricted both by the Germans and the Allied forces. Due to the first battle of the Marne conductions were ideal for trench warfare which. This would be primarily what the 2nd battle would be. Additionally the Germans maintained control of most northern logistic lines. As such it was difficult to get supplies to the troops on either the east or west flank of the Allies line. The Germans also maintained hold of some of the railways in the area. This was a significant piece of key terrain as it restricted the flow of troops in and out of the area. Due to the placement of the German lines (approximately 75 miles from Paris), they were close enough to conduct long range bombing and air strikes on France’s capital city.
As America was entering the war and it was clear there would need to be a strong spring offensive the Allies assembled a very intricate conceptual plan of action comprised of three phases. They planned on first absorbing an assault from the enemy which would in theory tire the enemy and exhaust some of their resources. Once the Allies accomplished this portion of the plan they would launch a counter attack in attempt to force the enemy forces into a retreat. The three phases were the

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