
Battle Of Gettysburg Research Paper

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June 29, 1863, the day before the most memorable battle in history took place. The Battle of Gettysburg would become the major outcome of the Civil War. What

happened in the following three days has greatly impacted today's society. The gut renching question topics leaving many historians puzzled is, "what if?" What if

certain elements had played out differently, would the outcome of the war still remain the same? What if he decisions made by Generals of both the Union and

Confederacy were even remotely different?

What if Harrison, a confederate courier spy did not discover a large mass of Union troops moving to the north? What if he was simply lying? If he was lying, he had

General Robert E. Lee, one of the most famous …show more content…

By choosing to become a solider and leave the easy life that he lived shows pure fortitude and dedication to his state. Being that he has no high

rank, he is basically your common solider to war and known to be the "voice of the Union." Private Buster Kilrain awakes Chamberlain to tell him that 120 men from

the Second Main will no be apart of the Twentieth Maine. Chamberlain was given instruction to shoot any man who decided not to participate in battle. What if

Chamberlain had not of given the soliders a motivational speech? Luckily for him, his adept way of words and is known for grabbing an audiences' attention, but what

if they 120 soldiers didn't care what Chamberlain had to say, what if they still had their mind set on going home from being so tired? Would their presence be relevent

to the outcome of the battle? 120 men wouldn't make much of a difference, how he had the power to influence others is the acomplishment made.

A great factor in the Union's winning the Civil War was the fact that they had control over the higher grounds. The high ground consists of four hills: Culp’s Hill,

Cemetery Hill, Little Round Top, and Round Top. Having control over the higher ground means a good view of the entire battlefield; an excellent place from which to

fire off artillery, meaning cannons; and a good defensive position. In battle it is harder to fight uphill than down, giving the Union a great

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