
The Beatles, The Musical Hair And Pink Floyd

Decent Essays

Commercial success and true ‘artistry’ or creativity seem to be contradict with each other. However, I don’t agree this statement and it’s not correct at all. I’m going to use the Beatles, the musical Hair and Pink Floyd as examples (as they gained success in both aspects) to explain how these two elements can coexist in the following essay.

The Beatles are originated in Liverpool in 1960, and become the iconic figure of the city and the British pop music (Britpop). As one of the most popular band in the world, the Beatles gained unprecedented commercial success. According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Beatles are the best-selling music artist in the United States, accounts for 178 million certified units. Furthermore, they owned 6 platinum units as the highest in history. The Beatles are regarded as the best-selling band in music history, sold more than 600 millions records in the world. Undoubtedly, the Beatles gained commercial success as reflected on the prodigious number of sales. How about the music value of their records?

Most of the audience focus on their image and popular works. In fact, music of the Beatles contains rich creativity and have high artistic value but always being neglected. The Beatles have innovated advance recording technologies and produced different genres of high-quality rock music. Their talents and creativity could be reflected in two different aspects:

First, the creativity of music sounds and

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