
The Bees Of Honey Bees Essay

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led to a decrease in honey prices, increased beekeeping operating cost and attrition of pollination services.

The other big problem affecting the bees is the impact of disease on bee populations. Like all other animals, the population of honey bees has been impacted largely by diseases and human activities. Bees are especially susceptible to the highly destructive Varroa mite. This small external parasite that plagues honey bees was discovered in 1904. It attacks by attaching itself on the bees before sucking their blood. The after effect of these attacks leaves the bees weaker, and may end up killing the bees. Besides bees, other insect pollinators are also facing the same challenges faced by bees. However, the bees stand-out because they are the most important pollinator for most crop species used by humans and animals.

Bee Keeping Guide
Beekeeping can be a side venture, a hobby or a profitable full-time business so long as you have a healthy stock of honey bees. Beekeeping is a relatively inexpensive undertaking; however, to reap big in this venture, there are a couple of things you need to understand as a beekeeper. First, you must recognize that you will be stung by the bee at one time or the other. In the worst case scenario, a bee sting may cause a brief period of discomfort or anaphylactic shock. The most common symptoms of a bee sting are swelling, itching, appearance of hives in the affected region and shortness of breath, which is a serious cause for concern.

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