The Beethoven “Play by Play” In my opinion it was very interesting how it was so easy to change the musical terms into a football commentary, because usually when you learn music notes and what comes with a concert it’s very serious. For example, they used the word “motif” which is “a short succession of notes producing a single impression” and “cadenza” which is a “solo inserted into a concerto” and they used these words in such a nonchalant way which to me made it more unusual and amusing. It was also intriguing how they treated the musicians when they made a mistake, because even though it was staged and it was for entertainment it was funny how they made a big deal out of a little mistake using football and sometimes that’s what
PDQ Bach - Beethoven Symphony No. 5 I was able to hear his use of themes. My overall impression was that it was hilarious and educating at the same time. At first I was a bit confused on why I was listening to this, but then I heard it all and it made sense. Also, we normally do not listen to these songs, but it was more entertaining because it made me laugh. The keys used in this theme was still in C minor. How it relates to the works of Mozart is they both use the same instruments in the theme such as the winds family.
The concert performed by the Allen High School Symphony Orchestra, which combines the Chamber and Sinfonia Orchestras, was an amazing concert but was not a flawless one. The pieces all sounded quite wonderful on the outside, but by diving deeper into the music and truly listening to and observing the performance with a sharper eye, there were some problems that appeared in a couple different areas, and those problems came mainly from three distinct areas: tone, technique, and musicianship.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven are two of the greatest composers ever to write music. Both men lived in the early 18th and 19th century, but their music and influences are still felt today. The men faced similar experiences, yet they both lead very different lives. All together the pieces that these men composed amounts to over 300 published, and unpublished works of art. The people of their time period often had mixed feelings about these men, some “complained that Mozart’s music presented them with too many ideas and that his melodies moved from one to the next faster than audiences could follow, yet the ideas themselves seem effortless and natural, clear and
German composer and pianist, Ludwig van Beethoven, was born December 1770 and spent most of his life in Vienna, Austria. His first teacher was his alcoholic father, who worked as a musician at the Court of Bonn. Teaching him day and night, Ludwig suffered from his father's harsh and erratic behavior. For a time, he and his father played at the Church. As his father's alcoholism increased, Ludwig became the main musician.
Last Monday, I got to experience a sensational performance by the University Symphony, composed by Dr. Jonathan Pasternack, that enhanced my knowledge and emotional state through the uniqueness of both the symphony and opera act. Having only experienced a symphony once during the course of my life, I was ecstatic to attend such a soothing and joyful concert. The concert was fairly short, it last two hours, and consisted of 2 symphony songs and 1 opera act. The first two were symphony, which were played in a very unpredictable manner. The melody (violins) started off very slow and quickly increased their tempo. The orchestra performed many instances of crescendo and decrescendos; this kept the audience on the edge of their seats in
Though my ears are not exceptionally honed nor trained to point out musical mistakes, I would like to add that mistakes, if any, were not thoroughly noticeable. The musicians blended well and produced the right effect based on the musical context. However, when the vocal soloists sang in the final movement of the Ninth Symphony, their voices were drowned out by the loudness of the orchestra and large chorus. It did not help that the soloists were located lower than chorus, which made the perception of hearing the soloists more difficult.
I think that the performer’s ability was appropriate for their location and for their audience because the tone quality of the musicians sounded very rich and clean. When I listened to the performance, I was able to hear all of the different parts of the piece clearly, which has made me much more conscious of the balance and dynamics of each phrase when I play. The texture of the pieces played was very rich and full because an orchestral piece is designed to have a good balance of instruments and good range of frequencies of sound that has lots of different things happening at the same time.
In 1747 Leopold Mozart married Maria Anna Pertl. Leopold and Maria Anna would have seven children, two of who would survive. Maria Anna born in 1752 who the family called Nannerl . Then in 1756 Wolfgang Amadeus who was nicknamed Wolfgangerl. Wolfgang Amadeus was not his original birth name it was shortened to this from Joannes Chrisostomos Wolfgangus Gottlieb. It is little wonder even two of the children survived; “Given Leopolds insistence that they be brought up on a diet of water and gruel, the wonder is that any survived at all.” (Siepmann, Mozart His life and Music) Leopold Mozart was very musical himself and was a skilled violinist, composer and an author. He wrote a well
Rondo Op.51 No.1 in C major by Beethoven • Rondo: a musical form characterized by a repeated theme that alternate with other themes • Opus: a number given chronologically order the works of a composer • This rondo was composed between 1796 and 1797. • About the composer and period: Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827) • Period: Classical (1750-1820)/early Romantic (about 1820/30s-1910) • Nationality: German • Contemporaries: Haydn, Mozart, Clementi • Works included: • 32 piano sonatas (including the 'Pathetique'; the 'Moonlight'; the 'Appassionata'); bagatelles, 6 sonatinas • 9 symphonies - including the 'Eroica' (3rd); 'Pastoral' (6th); the 'Choral' (9th) • chamber music - including 9 piano trios, 5 cello and piano sonatas
He was born in the German town of Bonn on the 16th of December 1770. His grandfather Ludwig and his father Johann were both musicians. Johann was to act as little Ludwig's first music teacher, but Ludwig soon changed to the court organist C. G. Neefe. Passing eleven years of age, Ludwig deputized for Neefe, and at twelve had his first music published. He then stayed as Neefe's assistant until 1787, when at seventeen, he took off for Vienna. Even though Vienna was to be his home for the rest of his life, this first visit was short. On hearing that his mother was dying, he quickly returned to Bonn. Five years later he finally moved to Vienna to live and work.
Early eighteenth century marked the beginning of the middle period, which was said to be the most productive period out of his three compositional periods as some of his most magnificent works were produced during this time (Lockwood, 194). In this paper, I will examine the heroic style - why it came about, what are some characteristics of ‘heroic’ music and through the analysis of a ‘product of the times’ (Taruskin) , compare the differences between the music of the heroic style and that of before. The middle period is also known as the heroic period from 1803 – 1812 is after the Viennese period and before the Late
Ludwig Van Beethoven was one of the most influential composers of his time. The decades around the 1800’s were years of many changes and Beethoven’s new approach to music was something that reflected that. “His symphonies, concertos, string quartets and piano sonatas are central to the repertory of classical music.” This essay will focus on the historical and theoretical aspects of the third movement of Sonata Op. 28 No. 15.
Ludwig van Beethoven was, and remains today, an influential figure in the history of classical music. Perhaps no other composer in history wrote music of such inspiring power and expressiveness. His influence on the last 150 years of music is unequalled.
The music played throughout all of the concerts adhered to be diverse. The instruments, the individuals performing, and the conductor all proved to be outstanding. The concerts proved to be interesting as I witnessed them, first hand.
On 17 December 1770, Ludwig van Beethoven was born. He was an amazing and great classical musical composer. He is known for being the most famous composer of the classical and romantic periods of music. According to the “Enjoyment of Music” manual, Beethoven was born in Bohn, Germany. His father, with his grandfather, was the two singers at the court of a local prince, Friedrich Max. (Forney and Machlis 197).