
The Beginning Of A New Church Year

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The season of Advent marks the beginning of a new church year. It is a season of preparation. Advent is a time when we prepare to celebrate the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. And Advent is also a time for us to be alert so that we remain prepared for our Lord’s return at His Second Coming. During these four weeks of the Advent season, in the midst of all of our preparedness, we are reminded that God comes to us – into our sin and brokenness – and gives us a new beginning in our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

Our text for today is from the first eight verses of Mark’s Gospel, which opens with the announcement that the beginning is at hand: “This is the beginning of the preaching of the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” This beginning, we’re told, is announced by John the Baptizer, who “…came on the scene …baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.”

John’s baptizing activity attracted a lot of people. Inhabitants from all over the Judean countryside and all of Jerusalem went out to the wilderness to be baptized by John and to hear his message about the coming Savior – the One whose sandal thong he was not worthy enough to untie; the One who would baptize with the Holy Spirit. John’s message was effective and drew great crowds because he brought people what they needed most: the forgiveness of sins. And he prepared them for something new that was about to begin – the reign and

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