
The Beginning Of Rock Music

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“Little” Richard Wayne Penniman, one of the first rock musicians, once said, "The blues had an illegitimate baby and we named it rock 'n ' roll". Rock and Roll initially began setting its roots around 1950, with a strong connection to audiences who were under an oppressing thumb at the time. If African American music is unique, it is largely due to the foundation of blues, a form of music that emerged in the early 20th century. Establishing the sounds of African American culture, these styles inspired revolutionary genres of the century: jazz, blues, rock, and hip hop. They are well known and appreciated around the world and throughout the U.S. It would be virtually impossible to imagine American music without these corner stones.
The beginning of rock music is also the tale of the never-ending social struggles of American history. Blues and jazz, the expressive and meaningful songs of everyday black Americans, are deeply rooted in regret, loss, despair, hope, love, strength, and dreams. While upholding the originality over many decades, the spirit and musical theory of these styles have influenced much of the American music that is produced to this day. The “blue notes”, a term for notes that are much lower and flatter than usual that are the major factors of the form became prominent in country music, rock and roll and jazz (Merwe, 1989). The simple yet untraditional form of blues became the model for the first rock and roll songs, such as “Good Rockin’ Tonight”,

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