
The Benefits Of Abstinence-Only Education

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Another reason that abstinence-only education should be the only sex education taught in schools is that it is non-negotiable that abstinence is effective in preventing pregnancy and most STIs. While other forms of sex education are controversial, and cannot be agreed upon by parents, educators, or the government, abstinence is factually the best practice in birth control. There is no moral opposition to staying abstinent as there is to other forms of birth control, and it is supported by many religions as the best way of life as it has “psychological, social, and economic advantages” along with reflecting the teachings of many churches (Ballaro & Ginsburg, 2016). If abstinence-only education teaches the only infallible form of birth control, …show more content…

Results showed no significant difference in the pre- and post-test results, indicating that the abstinence-only education did not affect the student’s feelings about having sex before marriage, having sex at their age, themselves having sex while they were a teenager, or themselves being committed to abstinence before marriage. Since it has been proven that abstinence-only education does not influence the actions of the youth going through these programs, why are schools still stuck on teaching this …show more content…

$50 million was given for 5 years to states that agreed to teach abstinence in their schools (Sather & Zinn, 2002). In this push to prevent teen pregnancy, the government put states in a lose-lose situation. They could either receive money desperately needed for their schools and teach sex education that had been proven not to work (Sather & Zinn, 2002), or they could choose to teach another form of sex education, possibly one that had been proven to influence students, and miss out on the extra funding. The reason abstinence-education was pushed back in 1996 was because it became evident that the United States had the highest teen pregnancy rate of all industrialized nations (Sather & Zinn, 2002). But over 20 years later, after continued funding and support of abstinence-only education, the United States still remains the leader in teen pregnancies throughout Western society with a rate of 22.3 births per 1000 15-19 year old women in the US in 2015 (Reproductive Health, 2017). It is clearly time for a change in sex

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