High school athletics are a big deal in many schools nationwide, whether the athletes play sports just for the sake of playing or to receive scholarship money so that they can make it to college. Recent cases have stated that those that participate in athletics are often less inclined to perform well academically, but that is far from true. High school athletic programs do not infringe upon the student’s academic abilities, in fact, athletics may even improve students academic abilities. Matter of fact, kids who participate in athletics are not only better students, but they are healthier and they live happier lives. To begin, if kids participate in a school sport, they will be more inclined to keep up with their grades. Most school sports have a set GPA requirement and if kids do not meet the requirement, they are not allowed to participate in the games or matches until they bring their grades back up to meet that set GPA. Within the text, it states that “Controlling for students poverty levels, demographics, and district financial resources, both measures of a school’s commitment to athletics are significantly, positively related to lower dropout rates as well as higher test scores.”(Bowen and Hitt). When schools offer kids the opportunity to play sports, not all of them have that chance outside of school, so the ones that actually care about their athletics will care about their grades as well. Another point is, when teams are on a major winning streak, the players will
The impact of preserving sports in high schools has been surrounded by much controversy as people suspect that it is the reason behind the poor academic achievement of students. Opponents to high school sports feel that allowing athletics to be a part of schools sidetracks the focus of the student body, which goes completely against the main purpose of schools. Indeed, this assertion is completely true and based upon plentiful evidence. High school sports undoubtedly come at the expense of student academic achievement since they divert the attention of students away from academics and they come with far too many financial costs, both of which incur negative impacts on the academics within a school. The bottomline is that sports are harming the education of students, so a school must make the decision between composing quality sports teams or providing high level academics; both of these choices simply cannot occur simultaneously.
Analysis: The information in the article can be portrayed to support an argument because the author conducts a study on the topic with real evidence and facts from an active college. Evidence that Gaston- Gayles incorporates into her study are the GPA’s and ACT scores of college athletes from eight different varsity sports. ACT scores and ethnicity have been found to have a huge impact on academic success, but athletics have no impact to the success the athletics have in the classroom. The data was taken from transcripts of college students that cannot be manipulated, giving the data credibility to support an argument. The author also includes different races of athletes giving the study diversity and a wider range of data. The author appeal
To many educational institutions, it is controversial whether or not sports are beneficial to scholastic success. Offering athletic programs is said to supply students with an enhanced learning experience, as well as adding amusement to a rather dull school year. Therefore, sports should be provided in all schools to reduce stress, improve academic performance, and develop teamwork skills and equal opportunity in school.
High school sports make student athletes strive for better success in their education. Sure some Schools have a minimum G.P.A requirement of 2.0, and to get that all your classes have to be “C” or better. Well that’s better than letting them have a 1.0 and letting them play. It makes them have something worth studying for, For example my friend Bryan Garcia does not like school or work but he is always looking for ways to make his grades better so that he may play with the John F. Kennedy soccer team. Also not all the states in the United States of America have a G.P.A requirement to play in a sport activity, twelve out of the fifty states in the USA require a G.P.A to play."A High School Athlete 's GPA Vs. Average High School Student 's GPA." Everyday Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2016.”Sports participation is associated with higher GPAs, lower dropout rates and stronger commitments to school compared to the average,non-athlete high school student”. Also they made a study for Kansas in 2008-2009 between athletes and non-athletes,Academic Performance Of Athletes And Non‐Athletes, and Page 41. COMPARING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES AND NON-ATHLETES IN KANSAS IN 2008-2009 (n.d.): n. pag. Web.”high school athletes earned higher grades,graduated at a higher rate, dropped out of school less frequently, and scored higher on state assessments than did non-athletes”. Student athletes have a greater chance of graduating with a 3.0 or more. They are more
Also sports help kids with their grades.” According to a 2013 evaluation conducted by the Crime Lab at the University of Chicago, Becoming a Man--Sports Edition creates lasting improvements in the boys’ study habits and grade point averages. “ (“ Bowen & Hitt”). Sports are the number one reason for a kid who is thinking about dropping out to stay in school. Think about it if you need a 2.0 to stay in sports and you struggle in school but, you love sports and want to do it in college you will stay in school to achieve your dream. Also with sports that helps me is you don’t get time to procrastinate because if I know I have a game tomorrow and I have a big essay do the day after that I will do it tonight because I know I can’t do it after the game. Which is why most people who aren’t in sports struggle with procrastine. “Neish (1993) that found positive correlations between high, medium, or low levels of involvement in extracurricular activities and students’ GPAs and involved students attained higher GPAs than did students who were not involved.”(“ Lumpkin & Favor”). This proves again that sports truly do help are kids in school.
Close interpretation of the story "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway leads the reader to an issue that has plagued society for decades. Understanding of the human condition is unveiled in the story line, the main setting, and through the character representation. The main characters in the story are an American man and a female named Jig. The conflict about abortions is an issue that still faces society today. Architectural and atmospheric symbolisms are used to set the mood and outline the human condition. The love bond between the man and Jig is strong; however, the more powerful bond between Jig and her unborn child is sacred.
Sports are a fun thing for kids, they play them all the time, but sports aren't always what they’re cracked up to be. Parents can get to involved and pressure there kids, kids that want to play professional sports can be let down when they don't get drafted. People say that sports start friendships but what's that worth if you can't remember them. Sports aren't good for kids.
The second source states that students who participate in sport programs are more than likely to gain a good amount of "Sportsmanship" because most High School sports are recognized for their "Potentional Educational Benefits. The National Federation of State Highschool Activity Association promotes this to gain better chances of the youth having a more positive outcome as well as expanding their horizons of educational oppurtunities.bBut there are more things to depend on for education just than sports like "Have Sports Teams Brought Down Americas Schools?" by Elizabeth Kolbert stated, American high schools spend more time wasting money on sports than on more significant subjects such as Math or Language
Sato’s article states that sports are overly emphasized in American high schools. Of course sports area huge deal in high schools, but they are also very beneficial. People who have been participating in club sports have a greater graduation percentage than kids who do not, according to a 2011 New York Times study. Students who were involved all 4 years in club sports had better school involvement and are more sociable with their peers. As Kevin Kniffen of The New York Times states, “school sports provides a sense of belonging and being part of a team or group. You learn the certain interests of your teammates and
Each and every year, millions of students will participate in high school sports. In the same year, there will be millions of people questioning whether or not sports will benefit the students education. “The number of participants in high school sports increased for the 25th consecutive year in 2013-2014 with a record total of almost 7.8 million, according to the annual High School Athletics Participation Survey conducted by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS)”. High school sports are a huge part of a student’s education, but many believe that they will take away from the student’s academic education. We all have to take in and understand the full affect of
Claims are often made about the impact of high school athletics on academic achievement. We find that high school athletics do not appear to detract from academic success. In fact, based on the data we examined from Ohio high schools, an emphasis on athletic success and participation is associated with higher scores on standardized tests and higher graduation rates.
High schools in the US have had successful and popular sports programs that date back past the 19 century and have been a hit to this day. But in the US, high school sports are becoming too much of a necessity, students are more worried about how they will play their sport over how their grades are or if they are caught up in school. But has anyone ever considered, what might occur if these US high schools were to discontinue their sports teams? Would the schools benefit or become hinder? If high school sports were canceled in the US the schools would have much more money to spend on all of its students. Student-athletes would be much more focused in school and would achieve better grades and test scores. Also, teachers
Shakespeare’s sonnet 60 expresses the inevitable end that comes with time and uses this dark truth to express his hopefulness that his poetry will carry his beloved’s beauty and worth into the future in some way so that it may never die. This love poem is, as all sonnets are, fourteen lines. Three quatrains form these fourteen lines, and each quatrain consists of two lines. Furthermore, the last two lines that follow these quatrains are known as the couplet. This sonnet has the rhyme scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, as most Shakespearean sonnets follow. In each of the three quatrains, Shakespeare discusses a different idea. In this particular sonnet, the idea is how time continues to pass on, causing everything to die. The couplet connects these ideas to one central theme, this theme being Shakespeare’s hope for the beauty of his beloved’s immortality through his poetry’s continuation into future times.
Sports and the general physical activities have been associated with a plethora of benefits. Not so much in correlation with education though. The debate on sports and academic performance relates as to whether sports affect academic performance positively or negatively. Mostly, academics, especially in high school and colleges, require an enormous time commitment. In the same way, sports demand time commitment. Apparently, academics and sports run linearly and either would consume the time of the other. Such would be the argument put forth by the claimants of the negative effects of sports on academic performance. The opponents to the positive correlation of sports and academic performance ground their arguments largely on the time commitment that the two require claiming that sports would consume a student’s time for study hence affecting their academic performance. Proponents of a positive correlation between sports and academic performance summon an extensive range of evidence showing that students who participate in sports perform well in academics. The proponents’ arguments are fetched from the proven benefits of exercise which improve a student’s overall well-being and motivate their academic performance. Opponents would, however, argue that the studies that find athletes and sports persons good at academics do not show how such correlations occur in that other factors could be the actual causes of the correlation and not sports in themselves. Regardless, opponents to the claim that sports affect academic performance positively cannot deny that sports affect the overall well being of any human being. As such, there is no denying that sports affect academic performance positively where a balance among the two is maintained.
Sports programs have been an integral part of all schools. They support the academics of the school and therefore foster success in life. These programs are educational and help produce productive citizenship. They help students experience and build skills that may help them in their future, like interpersonal and time management skills. Education may kindle the light of knowledge, but sports help to maintain the proper physique. Sports are also an important means of entertainment and a use for energy after long hours of study. Sports increase a student’s performance not only in the classroom but also in their life.