
The Benefits Of Organizing Activities For Children

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Whether organized by an adult or going with the flow, play and the use of their imagination is an important part of any child's day. Although many may believe organizing activities for children is the better way to go, creative play is by far the correct path to take. Creative play allows children to find themselves, and truly find who they are as an individual.

As explained in "Helping Children Play Creatively", creative play allow children to use their imaginations, develope critical thinking and problam-solving skill, and even develope social skills. Organized events, such as sports and Scouts have rules, which limit how much a child can do, and how far they are able to explore their inner selves. Allowing a child to be creative - imagine, create, draw, build, and even renovate - will give them the opportunity to test out their ideas, try new things, mix things up, and even find new ways to make things work when something is going how they imagined it would. …show more content…

Building forts, for instance, is a big goal to reach for, and requires a great amount of team work. Games such a tag or hide-and-seek have rules, and allow children to learn to adjust rules and make up their own versions of the game, or even compromise when a rule is seen as unfair or

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