
The Benefits Of Using Cloud Computing

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The Benefits of Using Cloud Computing Abstract Cloud computing is a technology trend which is enabling and driving new markets in technology. Cloud computing refers to the idea of delivering personal (email, word processing, presentations, etc.) and business productivity applications (sales force automation, customer service, accounting, etc.) from centralized servers that share resources like storage, processing and bandwidth more efficiently by a cost factor of at least 5-10x. Cloud computing continues to garner a lot of industry buzz, but currently security and the cloud mix about as well as oil and water. There are many security challenges that enterprises face as they evaluate the agility, economics, and …show more content…

People have the vision of dynamic loads in the cloud with great Utilization, but that has some limitations in terms of accountability and security. If I don 't know where my data resides, is it secure? And, if there 's an issue in financial transactions, where do you pinpoint where the problem occurred?" — Jason Waxman, General Manager of the High Density Computing Group, Intel. • "I think a lot of security objections to the cloud are emotional in nature… some people create a list of requirements for security in the cloud that they don 't even have for their own data center." — Joseph Tobolski, Director for Cloud Computing at Accenture. • "Success as a provider in cloud-based application services will require players to prove themselves in the areas of reliability, security, availability, performance, and SLA management. Large enterprises, across all industry sectors, are concerned with the support, security, and stability they need to rely on as they look to scale applications in a private, public, or hybrid cloud-like environment” — Rona Shuchat, Director of Application Outsourcing Services, IDC. • “IT infrastructure and services delivered over the cloud will be ubiquitous within five years, and vendors that ignore the shift from on-premises software to Internet-delivered technology will be left in the dust. If you are not thinking about and acting on delivering your own offerings through the cloud [within five years], you won 't be in

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