Is it necessary to buy new clothes each month to keep up with the trends? Would it be easier if you knew exactly what you have to wear every morning? It would be if schools required uniforms
School uniforms are a great help to students in many ways. Uniforms help to prevent bullying and harassment, save money for parents, and kids won’t have to worry if what they are wearing follows the dress code.
School uniforms have recently become more popular in modern times because it help children focus on their schoolwork without the distraction of whether or not their clothes are cool enough. Kids want to fit in with the popular crowd, and by having “cool” and “in-style” clothing, they feel more validation from their peers. Meanwhile, their
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This saves money for the parent and in turn, helps the child stay focused on school. Students will try to wear things that might not be necessary, or even a waste of money. They might try to wear hats and jewelry, which they do not need to perform in school. Excess jewelry and accessories are just another distraction for students. Sure, uniforms may be expensive for parents to buy at first, but think about all the money that they will save throughout the school year, not buying new clothes for their kids every month. Schools will be able to sell the uniforms directly to the kids and be able to make money that will in turn help benefit other programs in the school.
All schools have certain dress codes that students need to follow. If the school is selling uniforms, they can make all the clothes the right lengths and styles. Schools will be able to know instantly if the children’s clothes follow the dress code if the kids wear uniforms. If a school’s dress code states that children cannot wear shorts that are more than two inches above the knee, the school can have the uniforms sized that they will never be more than two inches over the knee. The same applies with shirts, pants, sweaters, etcetera. Some might argue that students will want to be able to wear hats and accessories for fun sometimes- I see no problem in this! Schools could have certain days that kids can wear regular clothes instead of uniforms. These days can be holidays, such as
School uniforms are a very diverse topic today. Many people people believe that they are very beneficial, but others may argue that they are irrelevant. Schools implementing strict dress codes, or uniforms, is a good decision because it prevents students from bullying each other based on appearance, and it may help some families financial situations.
First, uniforms help improve students focus on their education. It disciplines students to take their attention away from outward appearance such as clothing and places it on actual school work. Uniforms create guidelines for the student to follow which is an aspect of life that a student needs to learn. A study of a Long Beach school found that their was a 28% drop in suspensions, 51% drop in school fights, and a 34% drop in assaults after the
Furthermore, school uniforms have the potential to make schools a whole lot safer. Think of it like this – if you were to see a student walk in wearing an ugly polo shirt and sweat pants, (s)he would probably be picked on just because of what (s)he is wearing. We as humans naturally judge on what we see first, and it’s usually their face / clothing. If school uniforms were implemented in many places, then it would eradicate school violence and students wouldn’t be indignant with each other based on what they wear. Also, since everyone on school grounds is wearing their uniform, it would be easy to pinpoint unwanted visitors and be one step ahead. Not to mention it would help kids with less money evade the bullying and teasing that they would usually receive, which brings me to my next point.
School uniforms are also a financial burden for the families who earn very little money. School violence may still happen if they had school uniforms or not, students may be discouraged to, but if they have strong enough feelings they will not adhere to the rules anyway. Students do not all feel like they belong just because of the school uniforms, they feel like they belong because of the people and community around them, not the things they wear. If you had a uniform, you would be missing out on a valuable life skill, dressing. You need the ability to dress because you will use it a lot when you are finally out of
School uniforms help schools, academic reputation and help families. Cost is one of the major factors in this process. Behavior is proven to be affected positively with uniforms. One recommendation, I would make is letting schools try uniforms. See if it really helps improve students in the school district and if it doesn't implement it into the school rules. Nothing bad can come from trying to see if something helps school, perform
To begin, school uniforms are economic. Parents have an easier time buying a few sets of uniforms for their children rather than buying a new wardrobe every school year. Students do not have to worry about deciding what to wear every day. Checking their closet and grabbing the uniform is all it takes. For example, back in my sister’s middle school days, she was required to
Requiring school uniforms eliminates the chances of bullying. Bullies usually pick on kids based on what they wear. With the use of uniforms, everyone will be wearing the same clothes, not allowing the bullies to pick people out by their choice of clothing. Even those making fun of others would be wearing the same clothes as
Along with easy purchase, uniforms also help cut down bullying. Implementing uniforms gives kids a better sense of school pride, in which they care more about the school and each other. For example when Long Beach introduced uniforms in 1995 they received data that showed the in school fights decreased by 38%, suspension rates dropped by 90% and furthermore the overall crime rates dropped by 91%. School uniforms would work in the same way an athletic team uniform would; it would give them a sense of pride and belonging. Like athletic teams, when a team member or student would wear their jersey, or in this case uniform, they would cloak themselves in their school color they would feel obligated to make sure they represent the best for their school to show that they care and they are going to prove how exceptional their school is. A uniform can improve the overall school and also move beyond the school halls and out to the community. Most bullies make fun of a kid by how he or she looks, so by schools implementing uniforms they “level the playing fields”
It increases the amount of clothes kids will have to buy because children won’t want to wear their uniforms while doing chores so they’re gonna need clothes for after school or any days they have off as well ( source one). The smallest sizes of the uniforms in some schools are eighty-seven dollars. That’s a lot for something kids are gonna wear for literally seven to eight hours a day and then not use anywhere other than school
School uniforms also serve little to no purpose in benefiting the education of children around America. A uniform does not help a student learn things that they need to know. A uniform does not help a student study, take notes, or make flash cards. They bring no educational value to the table of learning. According to many educators and experts, “Uniforms do not improve academics, behavioral and social outcomes, or reduce discrimination or crime” (Farrell). So if a uniform cannot help a student increase their knowledge or grow as a person, why make students wear them?
Some critics say that school uniforms increase the amount of clothing that parents have to buy for their children, meaning that they would have to spend more money. Students wouldn’t wear their uniforms outside of school, so parents would have to buy casual clothing for their child to wear outside of school.
Uniforms have been around for centuries, from back in the day when women had to wear dresses or skirts and men had to wear pants. To now where students and employees have to wear certain pieces of clothing. People dress to express themselves, schools tell their students to be who they are and to be proud; however, when the student tries to do so they are sent home or held in the office which not only takes away their rights to express themselves, but takes them out of class. According to Friedrichs, “A shocking number of students are actually sent home or suspended for breaking dress code, which means even more time out of class.” A school's job is to prepare children for their futures, that can be quite hard when the student is not there to learn. Dress codes can be overwhelming to maintain. A student's wardrobe isn’t going to be full of polos and khakis because they most likely do not wear polos and khakis outside of school. Dress code should not be as strict, hoodies should be allowed, tank tops should be
School uniforms have been around forever, they go hand in hand with school. There is good reason for that aswell, uniforms have been shown promote learning and help kid stay focused. In addition school uniforms make the student take a more serious interest in school, similar
School uniforms help maintain a sense of equality amongst the students. They help rid any socioeconomic barriers that may be causing certain students, or groups of students, to be alienated from the rest of the student body (Wilde). In other words, the financial status of a student’s parents no longer matters. Parents “are no longer pressured to buy the latest fashions, and they spend less on their children's clothing” (Isaacson). They no longer feel obligated to keep their children up to date with the latest fashion trends. Due to this, students are less prone to form cliques, which only lead to the alienation of students ("School Uniforms.") At the same time, students no longer feel inferior or superior to other students. No longer do students respect each other on the basis of how stylish they look. Their clothes do not gauge how popular they are in the school. Instead, uniforms force people to look at each
Uniforms in schools are a big debate around the world. Should we have uniforms in schools? The answer is yes because uniform help the schools. They bring to table a great deal of help because students are getting bullied, killed, and some may not have as much as other when shopping for clothes. Having uniforms bring safety to schools and what goes on after school.