The Best Grandfather I could ever have
We all have someone in our lives who you can tell your honest thoughts, experiences and life stories with. We also have those we can look to for some type of guidance, especially in the world we live in today. My Grandfather, Joshua Jr. is very loyal, generous, and above all in my opinion, the best role model I could ever have. Here are just a few reasons and examples why he is who he is.
My grandfather is loyal in all ways and in all perspectives. One can be a complete stranger to him and he will be there for you. He is a man who will do his best to help you out. No matter how tough or difficult the situation is, he is always there to give a lending hand. For one example, I remember when I used to
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My grandfather, paid for my first two payments of the rent without me knowing ahead of time. Also every year, to this day, my grandfather separates and cultivates at least two acres of his land to have a garden filled with vegetables. After he collects all of what he wants from the garden, he would take all of the remaining of the harvested crops, which could easily feed a small army, and give everything away to all of his neighbors and his whole family. Who else would do something as kind as that? This is just barely scratching the surface of what my grandfather does on a daily basis.
Finally my grandfather is the best role model one could ever have. He is a robust and a religious man. He is the ideal of the perfect person, grandfather, great grandfather, and husband one could ever have. For example; recently my grandmother passed away in the month of July of the year 2013. She had been diagnosed with dementia for the past twelve years. Her and my grandfather was married for the last sixty-six years. Until the day she passed away, they both held hands together everywhere they went. Another example would be the time when he saved my mom, my uncles, and a guy that was dying in a burning car. When my mother was six years old, her and my three uncles were riding in the backseat of my grandfathers 1958 Buick Skylark. They all were driving down the highway when;” Bam!” the Buick got crashed from the back side. My grandfather hopped out of the car,
My grandpa is the best grandpa ever , he teaches me stuff and always cheers me up when I'm sad . He always helps me when I don't know what I'm doing and no matter what we are doing doesn't matter if it's working or not we always have fun together and I know I don't see him a lot but when I do I cherish the moments I have with him . That is why my grandpa is my Michigan hero
What I admire most What I admire most about my great grandpa is that he was a hero to save a bunch of people but yet he is still my grandpa. I also like how he is kind and respectful to everyone he meets because he knows that you need to treat others how you want to be treated because if you don’t others will be mean to you. Another way I admire him is that he is helpful and tries to help as best as he can.
My grandfather, J. King Burk, is a man of very few words, but if you get to know him you will come to find that he has been through a lot in his lifetime. My brother and I have a connection with him that most grandchildren don’t have with their grandparents because he was with us when our parents separated. He understands how difficult it is to be raised by one parent, he helped raise my brother and I, and I go to him when I’m making important decisions.
My grandfather in law, Ray Schmitt, had a true connection with me and my family. Even though he was not directly related, he always treated me and my family like his sons and daughters. He would always welcome us with smiles and even though he fought through hard times, like occasion strokes, he never forgot to put a big smile on his face. My mom said, “ He was a devoted family man to everyone, and he was devoted to the faith, and that showed in his actions.”
There are many things that make my grandfather Thomas Dake a hero. He stepped into multiple family members shoes, caring enough to give them a house to live in during desperate times. He persisted while his daughter developing cancer, and helped her through it. Both of these happened after being drafted into the Vietnam War, which was only the start of his struggle. By going through and doing these things, Thomas Dake has shown various times that he is a
is so much drama in the family, I don't even find the need to spend
He taught me that hard work will pay off and will reward me. He always talked about how his successes in life were due to him working hard at his goal. Everyday he would talk time out of his day to make pamphlets that listed grocery stores that sold food at a cheap price. He would then hand them out to low-income families hoping that these pamphlets would save them money. My grandfather felt content knowing that he was able to help these families. Furthermore, he taught me that the only way to become better at something is through practice. During the holidays, he and I would play our clarinets together in my living room for the rest of the family. He coaxed me to continue learning about and playing the clarinet. My grandfather inspired me to challenge myself in school like making the decision to take honors classes. Even though my grandfather is not here to watch me graduate high school and grow through college, he will continue to inspire me to be the best person I can be as I move through life. I know he would be happy if I got into Stockton because he knows that Stockton has the tools for me to be
Anyone that came in contact with him, could tell that was his biggest and most honorable trait. He knew when enough was enough, he knew when to leave the bar, and he also knew when his granddaughters wanted attention and affection from him. Growing up across the street from my grandpa, I was able to watch and observe him go through many stages of life. He was my biggest trainer of moderation, self-discipline, and love. He may not have always stopped when others thought he should and he may not have spent as much time with us as we thought we deserved, but he knew the right things to do for himself or other. I was so easily influenced as a child, that I was affected by the right and wrong things I would see happening. While my grandpa didn’t always do the right thing, he always showed me how it was wrong and what I could do to make it
There have been countless influential people in my life that I’ve come across. One who was a meticulous inspiration continues to be my grandfather. My grandmother had remarried to the one I call “grandpa” when I was at the age of five, and they both took to each other’s grandchildren as their own. With my mother and me only living a mile down the road from their farmhouse out in the country, I’d spent heaps amount of time there as a child. Indeed, I had been without a father but my grandfather stepped up to the plate and had taken me under his wing and willingly played the personification of a father figure.
In many ways, my grandma is a stereotypical old granny. She loves to watch game shows on TV, she yells at you for not eating enough, and she constantly needs help with technology. Beneath her rough, wrinkled exterior lies an equally tough spirit. She has faced numerous challenges to get where she is today. Along the way she learned lessons that she passed down to her daughter, who then passed them down to me. My grandma taught me to work hard, to be persistent, and to treat others the way you want to be treated.
Of all of my grandparents, I spent time the most time with my maternal grandmother, I got my love of math and baking from her. My paternal grandfather was a businessman and owner of his own company while my maternal grandfather was an accountant, then treasurer of a large corporation. They both inspired and supported my major and career choice.
There is not many people in life that will have such an impact that will directly change the course of how one spends their time, how one handles problems, and teaches someone what is truly important in life. My grandfather, or as I called him, “Pap” was one of the only people who always believed in me and whatever I wanted to accomplish with my life. My Pap was very inspirational in my life because he taught me through his good example that obstacles can harm but never stop so long as you keep fighting for what is desired. He taught me about resolution, and to never give up no matter the odds and instilled confidence in me that I can do anything so long as I am willing to work for it. He always stressed to me that materialistic things in life do not matter, as long as the family and friends are there for support and love. He directly influenced the way I spend my time and what I enjoy to do.
He is very smart. My Grandpa has read many books. In fact, I think he already read over fifty books in his entire life. All this knowledge from books and experience of living for many years make him smart. Certainly, I know he is intelligent because I see it when we have a conversation. For example, he starts telling me about interesting facts or stories about other parts of the world. Next, Amilcar is very respectful. He knows how to treat people with respect. Amilcar has friends that, over the years, have done bad things to him and he stills treat them with respect. As an illustration, he told me once “Treat others how you want to be treated and everything will be good for you.” Furthermore, my Grandpa is an optimistic man. For instance, he tries to show me the positive side of things. For example, one day I was angry and I started cursing everything when my Grandpa told me that instead of being mad I should be counting my blessings. Amilcar is always expecting something good whenever he goes. In particular, every time I see him he has good news for me. All of this is what makes my Grandpa have a unique
For many people, Grandpa is a storyteller, someone to go fishing with, and someone who has your back no matter what. The experience I had with my grandpa was a little different. I never got the opportunity to meet my great-grandfather Liston Grider, but he still somehow managed to have a huge impact on my life. Sometimes my mom would tell stories about him; happy memories from her childhood, sad ones that were painful for her to tell, and everything in between. I thought I had heard it all, but this past summer I learned something about my great grandpa that would perhaps impact my life forever. This story was not told by my mom like usual, but by someone who was a complete stranger to me. The lessons I learned would not be taught in a single day, but over the span of a month through a series of Facebook messages and letters in the mail. The words I read upon opening those messages and letters would change my life forever, permanently transform my beliefs, and show me what it truly means to be an American.
When we were together we were invincible, us against the world. I’d look up to him, not only because he was 6’4, but because he was my grandpa. I have clear memories of him picking me up from school, playing old school reggae music during our adventurous car rides. We’d always sing along to our favorites, sometimes turn the music up so loud the people in the cars next to us could hear it. When I would visit his apartment, the familiar smell of drywall and pennies would fill the air. It was my hideaway, my home away from home. My grandpa collected pennies in water jugs. He would say that one day they’d be worth more than just pennies. I loved it there, not only because he had a freezer filled with many flavors of ice cream to which he would often say to me “you can have all you can eat” but because it was our time to bond. For five years it was my mom, my dad, and my grandpa helping me to grow. Those are my favorite people, my role models. Being around my grandpa brought me such comfort and joy.