Today, the world has the technology to reinvent the learning process as well as the school process. Everyday students lug 20 pound backpacks to school carrying everything from notebooks and binders to textbooks. Throughout the day students must carry this weight around, which can cause back issues in the future. All that dead weight could be replaced by a single device, a notebook personal computer(PC). The average PC “can weigh as little as 1.25 pounds” according to Dennis McCafferty in Computers In The Classroom -- Want to learn the abc 's of the mobile computing space? and can carry enormous amounts of data.There are many forms of notebook computers, Laarni Ragaza provides a well developed review of different computers and how they work with educational services in her article “The Best Laptops for College Students.” Integrating PC’s into the school program will allow students to directly connect with their teachers, assignments, textbooks, and notes all on one device, in a much more efficient and organized manner.This negates the need for the cluttered backpacks and lockers students have to scramble through to find their assignments. Having PCS on hand will allow students and teachers to connect instantaneously to transfer assignments and go over lesson plans. The PC’s will also enable students to connect to the internet, allowing them to further research the topic at hand. With PCs students can have a more immersive and orderly learning environment. PC’s should replace
The above image is a painting by Antonio Ruiz and is called “El sueño de la Malinche” meaning “The Dream of Malinche”. It depicts a Mexican town within the Aztec Empire, that is built upon a resting woman named Malinche. The image depicts the woman sleeping with the the Mexican city lying on her, therefore with one toss or turn being catastrophic to the city, and is further depicted to have lightning striking her head, which means to further risk the Mexican City being destroyed by Malinche’s action.
In defense of laptops in the classroom” Summary/Analysis/Response (SAR) Paper Summary “In defense of laptops in the classroom” written by Rebecca Schuman, talks about the issue of why computers should be allowed in a college classroom. Schuman explains how people of the new generation use computers in classrooms doing almost everything in college now, rather it be taking notes or accessing course material, and it's more affordable for poorer students. Analysis Schuman attempts to use logos, structuring of her article, and has a good purpose to persuade readers of her agreement. Schuman wrote this article “In defense of laptops in the classroom” in order to persuade professors why computers should be allowed in the classroom and how you can combat them if the student isn’t paying attention, plus they are more affordable for poorer students because they’re covered by financial aid. Schuman focuses on this group of audience primarily because some professors do not like computers in their classroom rather it be because the student isn’t paying attention or is using the computer for non-class related things. Schuman attempts to reason the discussion of why computers should be allowed in the class is that it’s completely up to the student whether they use it for good or not. Schuman makes the point early on that she feels that the computer is not faulty, but rather the student who makes the decision on what use to use the computer for. Schuman exemplifies this problem when she
“In defense of laptops in the classroom” written by Rebecca Schuman, talks about the issue of why computers should be allowed in a college classroom. Schuman explains how people of the new generation use computers in classrooms to do almost everything in college now, rather it be taking notes or accessing course material, and its more affordable for poorer students.
The use of Apple Macintosh in schools is predominantly all that I know and I knew little of personal computer use prior to ten years ago. Our middle class, suburban school district of over 4000 students, use to pride itself with keeping up with the technology with its more affluent neighbors to the east and the south. Changes in the economy have limited the purchase of new computers to 1.) Those bought for the new school in the district three years ago, 2.) Replacing the 10-year-old computers in the media center in the 5th -6th grade building and the 7th -8th grade building, 3.) 1:1 laptop initiative for the 180 +certified teachers last year and 4.) The replacement of computers used by secretaries and administrators. There were old PC’s in each of the six older buildings but as they have
Books and face to face learning have started to dissipate as technology has taken over. The internet has taken over the teaching world. Apps have been on the rise since iPads and laptops have been introduced into school districts around the country. Applications like Notability, Desmos, and Quizlet have made it easier for kids to study on their own. Online classes are also growing more and more popular since students can double up on classes and get more credits in less time. Younger students don’t use devices for the same reasons, but to catch up on things they may miss in school due to absences or other extenuating circumstances. The school issued electronics are also great for reviewing materials at home, in the instances of an upcoming test. Most classes and teachers have the added help of being able to teach and or use devices for students benefit. Other classes, like art or gym do not benefit. Visual and physical classes are more difficult in the sense that they require full participation from students. Devices can serve as a distraction in these instances. Especially in cases where material is not
Computers are an important tool that many students use during college to accomplish tasks for classes. Laptops are commonly used around campuses; however, they don’t always prove to be strong enough to complete all the tasks that college students would like to run. When a laptop isn’t large enough to run all the software a student would like, a desktop computer comes next in power. A desktop computer is capable of more customization to fit the needs of a person with its performance and visuals. Most colleges offer desktop computers that can run advanced programs, however it is not always convenient to a college student to have to go onto campus to use this software. This is why it is more suitable for college students to have their own desktop PC at home.
Technology is everywhere, attached to us in almost every part of our daily lives. Places like café shops, home and as well at schools have technology. Nowadays, schools have technology devices like laptops or tablets that they use as a learning tool for students. Teachers and students use these devices in class for every subject. Text books have been replaced by the laptops or tablets, which are lend to each students in school and can take home. The devices have the apps for each of their subjects and students can read their text book in an e-book format. Additionally, students can do their homework on it, send messages to classmates or teacher, or play educational games that involves their current subjects. Although, these are convenient reasons to use devices in and after school, I must say I don’t agree. Technology devices should not be the primary way for students to learn in school. It has taken away the traditional passive learning pattern, some teacher are not helping or not teaching at all, and students are exposed to danger while walking towards school or home.
Using computers at school could distract the user from doing their work, but it also could help them learn better. If the teacher tries to explain the lesson another way and the student still does not get it, they can look up other examples without having to interrupt the class for their confusion. Computers in class could also relieve stress from students. Say that you did bad on a test and you aren’t happy and you wish that you could just listen to music
True! -- Poe’s poem “Alone” is gloomy, morbid, and melancholy; but why will you say that he is mad? Edgar Allan Poe’s life was filled with death. Both of his parents died before he turned three. He went to college but he was too poor to pay for it so he went to see his fiancé, only to find she was engaged to another man. Two years later he found out that Francis Allan, the woman who took him in and raised him after his parents’ deaths, was dying. He met his cousin there and married her when she was only 13 and he was 27. She died at the age of 24 and his death was also soon to come. He died only two years after her at age 40 on October 7th, 1849. In “Alone”, Edgar Allan Poe uses imagery, first person point of view, and symbolism to explain what made him
“Students, look away from your laptops and at me while I am talking!” It is a typical day in Health class, and my peers and I reluctantly shift our attention from our screens to our teacher. Here, laptops are a permanent fixture on our desks, with almost all assignments being given online. In this technological age, computers are seen as an essential for the classroom, and I go to a school that provides laptops for every student. While, in my opinion, the effects of having laptops for assignments are undisputedly beneficial for high schoolers, their role in the classroom is not usually as positive.
During the last decades, laptops have become standard learning tools in university and college classrooms. Since today’s students’ are high-technology demanding and tech savvy, laptops manufacturers and engineers are constantly thinking of unique ways to design their products. With advanced functions and specifications, laptops can do various activities and educational tasks for students. Also, as technology advances, yesterday’s laptops are less expensive compared to today’s and tomorrow’s which allows every student to afford a laptop. However, educational institutions are concern about whether laptops in class hinder or facilitate students’ learning. Overtime, new technology and devices have been noticed to weaken student performance in
Teachers are always assigning homework in the textbook and of course every student complains. Not only because they have homework, but because they have to lug home multiple textbooks. Many school districts have been trying to find a way to solve this complaint. What school board officials have come up with is replacing the textbooks with notebook computers or tablets. It is the 21st century, there is technology booming everywhere. However, converting the notebook computers might not be the greatest decision.
Media is an extremely popular tool of communication this most of the world use often. Media has many different forms that makes it easy for people to gain access to it. Media can be seen on used on internet site such as twitter and news websites, on television, radio, and newspapers. The public doesn’t have to look very hard to get in contact with some form of media. Media can be a powerful tool because of the involvement it has when many people’s lives. This is common knowledge though, the people working in media knows the influence it has on others and take advantage of that. People use the media to corrupt others, make money, and persuade the world to believe what they embed in their heads. Many examples of this had been done throughout history. It occurs during commercial ads when companies talk highly of their product/service in order to sell it, or companies will talk down on another company’s product to make theirs’ seem more appealing. This practice of corruption was used a lot during the 2016 presidential election. Media influenced or even brain washed most Americans into voting for the candidate that they embedded into their mind.
FINAL ARGUMENTATIVE RESEARCH PAPERIITechnology in The Classroom With technology rapidly advancing in a brief period of time, elementary school students should have the opportunity to use technology in their classrooms. The main issue with technology in schools is that there is not enough technology being integrated into the classrooms. Technology may be expensive, but it can help students in the long run and it can also help the environment. These are the issues that most people gravitate to argue about on either side. However, this issue does have a potential solution that can help our schools financially and save our environment. One of the reasons why schools should make the switch to use technology in the classrooms is because, textbooks become heavier over the span of a student’s life. The one thing every child dreads the most about going to school, is having to lug around their huge backpack full of textbooks and homework. The Archives of Disease in Childhood conducted a study and found that an ordinary student’s backpack weighs 15.4 pounds, which is a generally three to four textbooks (ProCon, 2016). The common weight for a single tablet is .75 pounds to two pounds. Pediatricians have strongly recommended students to not haul more than 15 percent of their body weight in a backpack (ProCon, 2016). From 1994 to 2000, data from the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission reported more than 23,000 students, from the ages of six to eighteen years old were sent to emergency rooms for back injuries that were related to using a backpack (ProCon, 2016). Some of the injuries were contusions, fractures, strains and sprains to the back and shoulders. Tons of people suffer from back issues like scoliosis, this is a problem in schools because students are putting more strain on their back. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine and idiopathic scoliosis is common in children from the age of at least 10 years old
Personal electronics are the best path to providing each child in the classroom a device. When parents send their children to be educated they expect “best practices” to be common habit. Therefore, teachers should use laptops, tablets, computers, and even smartphones in their lessons. The purpose of school is to