
The Big Bang Theory And Evolution

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Creation Theory
A young man who is a senior in college has the opportunity of a lifetime to conduct research with professors in Israel on geological fossils for his major in Earth Science. He had never been out of the United States before and only knew what he had been taught: the big bang theory and evolution. Israel is made up of a very strong Jewish community and, as this young man would soon find out, they did not view geological findings through the Big Bang theory, but through the Biblical creation theory. Due to their disagreements he had traveled to a different country only to fail to understand his new professor 's teachings The United States of America was founded upon the Christian God but yet teachers are not even allowed to teach about the Biblical creation theory of how Earth was made. They are forced to only teach about the big-bang theory and evolution. What students are being taught today is only a scientific theory and can not be proved, so why not at least teach the theory our nation was founded upon to the students. They are only being taught a single side of the story with no option to learn any other theory. There are also many parents who want their children to be exposed to different theories of the Earth’s creation. Without teaching multiple theories, there is no way for children to have an interest sparked in them to investigate into the many theories that are in existence. Also, it is very inappropriate in the school setting for the students to

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