
The Big Bang Theory : The Creation Of The Big Bang Theory

Decent Essays

Did you know that “it has been 50 years since two scientists found landmark evidence for the Big Bang theory?”(Kramer,2014) The Bang Theory aka BBT is the most popular explanation about the start of our universe that is widely accepted/acknowledged. The theory is that “the entire Universe is spreading apart, with distant galaxies speeding away from us in all directions. Run the clock backwards to 13.8 billion years ago, and everything in the Cosmos started out as a single point in space. In an instant, everything expanded outward from that location, forming the energy, atoms and eventually the stars and galaxies we see today.” (Cain, 2013) The Big Bang Theory is possibly right because of the evidence/research backed up by it such as exploration done by Edwin Hubble, data found by both Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, and background radiation that had been found that is believed to be created by the Big Bang.
In the first place, Edwin Hubble was an astronomer who found important information of the BBT. His findings originated the Big Bang Theory in the first place. (“The Big Bang Theory”, n.d.) In 1929, Edwin Hubble declared that the universe was increasing and that most galaxies were moving away from us. (Redshift and Hubble’s law, n.d.) This shut down Einstein's theory that the universe was static (“Hubble’s Law”, 2015)Also, “his theory states that the Universe must have been created in this single event which came to be known as the "Big Bang" through expanding at an

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