
The Big Kahuna Themes

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Very few films in the history of film making have the ability to continue to resonate with people generations after being made. Often the ideas and story begin to lose meaning, as it grows older, only providing some type of useful information to those who saw it in the beginning. However, The Big Kahuna has managed to withstand the tests of time. It still relates to all those who watch it providing insightful information to those seeking it. The film consists of a simple, easy to follow plot with characters that have a little bit of everyone in them. The themes in the movie are based on ideas that people are confronted with in their daily lives and can prove to be fountains of knowledge in these areas. Two reappearing themes in the movie …show more content…

What exactly is character? From the film, one can identify character as to what makes a person who they are. What makes them tick and what sets them apart from others. This is something that a person is constantly developing throughout their entire life. It is not something that is just acquired overnight. Character requires mistakes to be made and lessons to be learned. Throughout the film, all of the actors seem to be struggling to uncover more of their own character. Larry is being slowly brought back down to the real world, to a world where he is not in control of everything. Phil begins to open up about things more than he had before, and Bob grows closer in his faith. There is much fighting that occurs throughout the film, but all the arguments seem to have some significant impact on those involved. While watching the film, I thought about many of the themes and how they relate to my life. Thinking back to the clock image and time, I have thought about how much I let time effect me in my day to day activities. Often I am struggling to get something done because I have procrastinated doing it or I am ahead on everything and I feel as if I have nothing to do. I believe that I need to work to find a balance in my life. It is important to understand time and not only to be able to use it wisely, but also to just forget about it sometimes as well. I do not want to live my entire life on a

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