Very few films in the history of film making have the ability to continue to resonate with people generations after being made. Often the ideas and story begin to lose meaning, as it grows older, only providing some type of useful information to those who saw it in the beginning. However, The Big Kahuna has managed to withstand the tests of time. It still relates to all those who watch it providing insightful information to those seeking it. The film consists of a simple, easy to follow plot with characters that have a little bit of everyone in them. The themes in the movie are based on ideas that people are confronted with in their daily lives and can prove to be fountains of knowledge in these areas. Two reappearing themes in the movie …show more content…
What exactly is character? From the film, one can identify character as to what makes a person who they are. What makes them tick and what sets them apart from others. This is something that a person is constantly developing throughout their entire life. It is not something that is just acquired overnight. Character requires mistakes to be made and lessons to be learned. Throughout the film, all of the actors seem to be struggling to uncover more of their own character. Larry is being slowly brought back down to the real world, to a world where he is not in control of everything. Phil begins to open up about things more than he had before, and Bob grows closer in his faith. There is much fighting that occurs throughout the film, but all the arguments seem to have some significant impact on those involved. While watching the film, I thought about many of the themes and how they relate to my life. Thinking back to the clock image and time, I have thought about how much I let time effect me in my day to day activities. Often I am struggling to get something done because I have procrastinated doing it or I am ahead on everything and I feel as if I have nothing to do. I believe that I need to work to find a balance in my life. It is important to understand time and not only to be able to use it wisely, but also to just forget about it sometimes as well. I do not want to live my entire life on a
This movie explores issues of greed, human relationships, betrayal and redemption, personal innocence and responsibility as well as the effects on the human mind
Q.1. What do you think is the main messages this movie is trying to deliver?
Character is a very important element of fiction because without characters, a story falls apart because readers only care about the plot and other aspects of fiction because of how it affects a character or characters. Characterization is the process with which the writer reveals the personality of a character or characters. Characterization can also help reveal the relationship between characters and how they feel about each other. If a writer knows how to use characterization properly, he or she can really bring the story and characters to life for the reader. “My Kid’s Dog” by Ron Hansen is an excellent example of how
2) What are some of the themes that are central to the film? How have they been communicated?
Character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Everybody in the world has some form of character that makes them a human being. Having a good personality and good character are good tools to be socially sound. For example, in “Ihave a dream” by Martin Luther king jr is very proud to be black and wants to fight for negroes until he is satisfied. Carry Your Own Skis by Lian Dolan is a great source of character.
A character is someone portrayed in a novel, play, or movie that represents an person. An author can create characters in many ways to show the emotional, mental, and physical characteristics of that individual. An author has an infinite amount of choices of how he or she can construct characters. Zadie Smith does just that in “The Girl with Bangs.” In “The Girl with Bangs,” Smith represents the narrator as a normal college student that falls in love with a girl, named Charlotte because of her bangs. This representation sets up a series of conflict when Charlotte’s boyfriend, Maurice, moves and Charlotte hooks up with the narrator. Maurice then moves back months later to find out that she has cheated on him with the narrator and another unknown male. The narrator later finds out that Charlotte has cheated on her with the unknown guy and then was going to choose Maurice over her, which causes a small fight about who should actually have her. This gets resolved when she shaves her head in spite of all three men. Maurice is the only one who still wants her. The narrator has clear motivation about why she wants Charlotte, she is a dynamic character, and she is a round character.
Character by definition is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. My character is something that my parents always worked hard towards so I would grow up and be the best possible person I could be and I like to think that is distinctive to me. My character is seen in the ways that I deal with everyday life situations. Over the last few years I’ve paid more attention to the things I say after I read a book on suicide that had a large impact on me; I’ve started to stand
Your character is who you are and the traits you possess to make you, you! You can display your character many ways through the things you like! For an example I really enjoy writing short stories and you can see my personality through my stories. Character alike scholarship can also make or break your school career. Some students use their character qualities in a wrong way, like if you are funny or can make a joke some kids use that quality during classes and at the wrong times!
One of the themes that stand out the most in the film is the struggle to overcome adversity and push through problems in one’s life that could otherwise get in the way from achieving goals. In the film, many
1. What are the main themes, politically and socially, that are portrayed in the film?
contest. Parallels can be drawn to many of the other themes of the film from this
There were many issues and concepts that were arisen with this film. What seemed to be the major theme that predominated throughout the film was that being older does not mean that life ends. There are different issues that are dealt with when aging, but
In the movie The Freak there are themes throughout the whole film. They are introduced in important points in the story that would not make as much since if they were vacant. The movie has some touching moments and other humorous points. I think the most influential themes are friendship and the memory of the past.
The theme that took me away from this film was love. Love is something that is taken into consideration towards myself and other people. I feel that watching this movie has taught me about love by its definition. It’s because love has taught others to grow and develop themselves throughout the course of their time. In the film, Samantha develops a relationship with Theodore throughout their conversations.
Characters are defined as human characters who undertake actions of a plot, and without characters a theatrical performance would not exist. An example of a character can be seen anywhere but a prime example is Romeo in Romeo and Juliet. Romeo is a very determined, young boy who captures the audience’s attention by his unveiling love for Juliet to the point that he ends up killing himself for her (“Romeo”). Additionally, the way that Romeo describes his deep love for Juliet allows the audience to sympathize with him and form a connection. Without character depth as Aristotle describes, we cannot experience love, hate, fear, or joy with the characters, like