
The Big Two Beloved River By Ernest Hemingway

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Naturalism is an extension to realism that is often much harsher and more unforgiving. There are many criterion that determine whether a text falls under the category of naturalism. Ernest Hemingway’s mastery of the naturalistic style is evident in his many works as he expertly applies the many different elements. It is clear that his work falls under the naturalist genre through looking specifically at his short story “The Big Two Hearted River”. Though Naturalism is a big part of Hemingway’s writing, one would be remiss to simply stop their analysis on the naturalistic elements of the story. “The Big Two Hearted River” goes against the traditional naturalist element of determinism through the use of the main character’s search for recovery …show more content…

Objectivism is a technique used where the author excludes most, if not all, of the character’s past and identity so that the character becomes a simple observer. In “The Big Two Hearted River”, the reader knows very little about the character Nick in order to “focus more on the plot and what happens to the character, rather than the character themselves” (Zhang 2.2). The objectivism of Nick in the story goes a step further. Hemingway’s focus on the characters actions demonstrates how Nick’s technique allows him to move beyond the deterministic world to create his own purpose. Hemingway only includes information about Nick to help the reader understand what he is trying to achieve. “Nick took him by the head and held him while he threaded the slim hook under his chin, down through his thorax and into the last segments of his abdomen. The grasshopper took hold of the hook with his front feet, spitting tobacco juice on it. Nick dropped him into the water” (Hemingway 191). Much of the story is a series of descriptions of Nicks actions much like the example given above. There is not much focus on the characters thoughts or feelings. Nick’s actions are the most important part of the story because they align themselves with his purpose; to systematically and ceremonially kill, out of necessity rather than for no reason. Nick reconnects with nature throughout the text, but instead of nature having control over the consequences of his actions, he is the one who controls the outcome. This goes against the traditional naturalistic style where characters hopelessly battle against nature and no matter what they do cannot achieve their goal because nature is stronger and determines the outcome of their actions. Nick’s appearance, age or health have very little to do with the Hemingway’s idea of how to become more “masculine”, for him men must first use proper “technique” in order to create meaning

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