
The Bill Malamud

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" The Bill " homework . Ivy Nguyen 1A . My personal reaction to this short story is quite an angry feeling. There was many ideas within this story that I would have never agreed too. One of the main topics ideas I had disagreed with is was when Mr. And Mrs. Panessa agreed to give credit to a poor man. It was a ridiculous idea because even if they wanted to be kind to him, they should have realized that since he was poor , he would want to misuse his privilege and they would of been in many troubles. Another idea I disagree with was when Mr. Schlegel said he would pay them all back at one time. It is extremely hard to save up that much money to give back at one time, and it would be much easier for him to pay little by little to release the …show more content…

When Mr. And Mrs. Panessa gave the idea to Mr. Schlegel about credit, they were trying to be kind to him since they knew he didn't have the money to pay back for it. " Willy looked like a dog that had just had a licking but Mr. Panessa, after clearing his throat, chirped up it didn't matter, he could pay the rest whenever he wanted. He explained that everything was run on credit, business and everything else , because after all what was credit but the fact that people were human beings, and if you were really a human being you gave credit to somebody else. " But even so, Mr. Schlegel began to abusing the idea of credit, and spent more than he could pay . He starts to avoid going anywhere near the store, since he couldn't pay back for the bill, and built up guilt while doing so. Soon later, Mr. Panessa begins to get sick, so Mrs. Panessa sent a mail to Mr. Schlegel asking for money. Mr. Schlegel got scared about the bill, and didn't help the . In the end, both side understood regretted the idea of kindness. Mr. Panessa dies, and with the loss of money, Mrs. Panessa was forced to live with her selfish daughters. Mr. Schlegel and his wife had to live with the regret of their debt and the death of Mr.

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