
The Biological And Cultural Definition Of Race

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The Cultural Definition of Race
The examination of the biological and cultural variability that exists within humanity has been studied by anthropology scholars overtime in order to determine the distinctions between human races. Questions of racial identification, behaviour, culture and other characteristics has been analyzed to challenge the meaning of “race” and how it exists in a society. Is race biological? Is it cultural? Or is it determined based on geographical origins? By examining the historical theories of race, anthropologists have also studied the ways that people use racial identifications to control social interactions around the world. Racism has spread through human populations for numerous centuries; the extreme division of groups and societies have created complexities of differences that focus on ingrained prejudices based on the physical characteristics of individuals. Historically, Franz Boas has made significant contributions within the study of American anthropology and has conducted a way to evaluate race and racial resiliencies that is not based on biological determinism. After Boas’ time (after the 1940), race was no longer connected to the idea of brain size, genes and other identifying factors of the human body, but rather, it generally focusses on environmental or cultural factors of a group. Since then, scholars, activists and the general public view and study race as a cultural and social challenge between groups where notions of racial

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