
The Biomedical Excellence For Safer Transfusion

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Blood transfusions can be a life-sustaining medical procedure; yet its significance has been neglected. Like many procedures, the risk of potentially harmful complications are vast, however in healthcare the consequence of a mistake is death. For instance, when an acute hemolytic reaction can occur when a patient receives incompatible blood. The symptoms of which include pain, chills, fever, tachycardia, hypotension, and even renal failure (Kessler, 2013). Human error has required hospitals to implement specific protocols which aim to prevent errors and reduce the likelihood of harmful complications. These protocols consist of many "rights", which ensure correct identity and blood product. Nurses are responsible for the final bedside check …show more content…

However, misidentification is the main dilemma for most transfusion errors during blood sample collection. This can include patients not being identified correctly during the time of the blood sampling or transfusion administration, or the mislabeling of products such as tubes or the blood unit. Many patients worry about blood transfusions being contaminated with disease when they should be worrying about the completely preventable fatal reactions healthcare members can hinder. With close attention and hospital enforcement of strict procedure guidelines, safety and accuracy throughout the transfusion process is possible.
Several healthcare associations have taken interest in minimizing misidentification. Many have even taken steps to help diminish frequency. The Joint Commission has issued a national safety patient goal that states "Eliminate transfusion errors related to patient misidentification." The elements of performance for this safety goal include that the following should be done before performing a transfusion: blood should be matched to the order, the patient should be matched to the blood, and the patient must correctly be identified. The Joint Commission aims to verify patients quickly and efficiently. By using a two-person identification process they hope precision is easily attainable. The two-identifier check is a widely recommended patient verification process that requires checking the order, blood

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