
The Bishop's Wife Essay

Decent Essays

What is the primary focus of The Bishop's Wife, plot, emotional effect or mood, character, style, texture, or structure, or ideas. There is only one right answer here. The primary focus of The Bishop’s Wife is ideas. There are many different ideas that can be found in the film. For example, one idea that was discussed in the book was moral implications. This is illustrated with the relationship between the angel and the Bishop’s wife. There were feelings between them, but in the end she valued her marriage more. This implies that spouses should be faithful to each other. This could also be interpreted as representing the complexity of human relationships by showing the Bishop and his wife’s marriage being ‘fixed’. Another idea found in this movie could be that relationships with others and helping the poor (because Dudley convinced the funds to go towards people who needed it) is more important than temporal/physical needs, like the cathedral.

How important is color to …show more content…

With black and white the film has to use light and shadows to create a visually pleasing effect or focus the audience’s eyes on a certain part of the screen, but the audience isn’t focused on special effects as much as if they were watching a film that’s in color. Something that I found interesting though was that I googled the Bishop’s Wife and the poster that they used to advertise was in color (Wikipedia contributors). The poster showed Dudley in a suit with bright yellow, which is a color that makes people happy. It also shows him with the Bishop’s wife, who’s dressed up in red, the color that most people associate with love. This tells a bit about their characters before someone has even seen the movie. It allows people to infer a bit about the characters and then watch the movie in black and white which allows them to then be involved in the primary focus of the

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