
The Bitter Taste Of Vanilla

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As the bitter taste of vanilla extract went down my throat, I wondered how exactly I let this person fool me. The person in question was my oldest sister. I was around 9 at the time. My parents were out, leaving my older siblings to watch my 10 year old sister and me. My sister had convinced us that vanilla extract tasted just vanilla cake. Since both of us were fans of cake, we were excited to drink it. I should have seen the warning signs. She told us that if we didn’t like it, we were not allowed to spit it out or get a drink of water. We still stupidly agreed to do it. I took a swig of the extract and immediately spit it out. My sister made me drink more of it. It burned my mouth and left me in tears. After this horrific incident, my other sister, who had managed to drink it without problem, and I consoled each other. My sister does not remember this, but I do and it taught me an important message. Never give anyone, including family, your full trust. Any child that grew up with siblings has felt the wrath of their brothers or sisters. Whether they are older or younger, siblings can cause a lot of damage. They can teach you a lot about trust. You always have to wonder why a sibling is being nice to you for no apparent reason. They were not nice because they loved you, but because they wanted to do or get something from you. My siblings could be coldhearted for their own gain. I learned to watch my back. As I grow older, I can see how this small lesson my sister taught

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