
The Black Men Should Not Be Used For Police Target Practice

Satisfactory Essays

Kayla Lewis
February 10, 2015
Project 1: Synecdoche America Fourteen Shots

In a colorless world I would look like everyone else. In a colorless world young black men would not be used for police target practice. In a colorless world men would not be shot 14 times for sleeping in a park. But I do not look like everyone else. The mug shots sit patiently waiting to be blown away by a state issued sniper, and men are shot for sleeping in parks. Black men. Over the last few months the ignorant have been forced to see us. See that black people are not eluded that racism has died with the loose enforcement of the thirteenth amendment. We may not be forced to serve Mastah but we are far from free. We are given two options: work for a system that works against us or die. Many black people built this great nation with hard labor but the stereotype that black people are lazy serves as an excuse for the large scale poverty my community faces instead of a lack of opportunity.

The stereotypes that black people are lazy, and ghetto, and impotent get combined into a caricature. Theses stereotypes are used to justify politically motivated crimes against human beings. They depict a menace to society that has no worth and must not be protected but killed. That is the caricature Officer Christopher Manney saw when he fired his gun 14 times and killed Andre Hamilton for sleeping in Milwaukee’s Red Arrow Park after workers called to complain about him sleeping there. An average person

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