The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is the northernmost country in South America. Even though its location makes it a tropical region, this country posses a variety of climates going from warm at the Caribbean islands to alpine and humid at the mountains of Los Andes. This paper discovers the different tourist areas of Venezuela. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the variety of climates, lands and regions that make this country the perfect tourist destination. First, we will cover some of the history and economy of Venezuela, as well as its location in the map and the oceans and countries that border it. Then, the climate and topography of the country are going to be explained in detail. Finally, we are going to explore the …show more content…
This exceptional geographical location makes easier the communication and fluid air and maritime transportation for people and Venezuelan products.
The language spoken is Spanish, but since they had a lot of immigration from Europeans, Arabs and Asians during the World War II, there still remain some other languages.
“The famous explorer Christopher Columbus landed in what is now Venezuela in 1498 on his third voyage to the New World. It was his first landing on the mainland of the Americas.” McCoy, J. L. (2015). Christopher Columbus arrived to The Gulf of Paria, in the far east of the land that today is known as Venezuela. Before the arrival of Christopher Columbus, many native tribes habited the territory. The main indigenous group was the Caribes, who occupied the Eastern, the Central coast and the islands; the Arahuacos, who occupied the West; and the Timotocuicas, in the region of the Andes. Just one year after, in 1499, Amerigo Vespucci sailed from the Gulf of Paria to the Lake of Maracaibo, and there he observed the “palafitos” (stilt houses), where the indigenous habited, and this made him remember the Italian city of Venice. “They named the area Venezuela, which is Spanish for Little Venice. The name Venezuela was later applied to a large area of northern South America. Spain ruled Venezuela for about 300 years. Venezuela declared its independence in
This will be as much a tale about the Venezuelan people as it is about a returning immigrant who knows his homeland largely from memories and media. Though my experiences have shaped my outlook, my intention is to enter the country as a neutral and impartial writer, cognizant of daily life, yet oblivious to the fiery political discourse which consumes too many discussions.
On August 2nd, 1498, Venezuela was accidently discovered by Cristopher Columbus. During 1567, the Spanish, led by Diego De Losoda, sent out and conquered Venezuela for their gold. In the period of 1620, laborers were needed to
Venezuela, located in the Latin American region, is a country that has been characterized by its abundance of oil reserve. A natural resource that has shaped the history and development of the country, affecting its economic, social and most important is political spheres. For many years Venezuela was controlled by authoritarian regimes. The country, being very important in the sense of geo-politics due to its abundance of oil, has been a key player in the international arena and most important, to those that for many years kept the country under their regime. It was not until 1958 that Venezuela experienced the change to democracy and a stable democracy was kept between the two main political parties of the time, Accion Democratica (AD)
It only takes two hours and a half to get to the United States from Venezuela. Many people travel from Venezuela to U.S envisioning a better Life improvement from what Venezuela scares thanks to political irresponsibly. Venezuela is unrivaled to USA in terms of education, road and security
This voyage departed from Cadiz with a fleet of Spanish ships. The letter states that the ships made their way through the West Indies and got to the province of Central America within about five weeks. This would mean that Amerigo came across Venezuela a year before Christopher Columbus did. Amerigo and his fleets arrived back in Cadiz in October 1498. Then, in May of 1499, Amerigo set off on his second Voyage. Sailing under the spanish flag, Vespucci worked as a navigator under the command of Alonzo de Ojeda. They traveled to the coast of what is know known as Guyana, where it is believed that Vespucci parted ways with Ojeda and went on to explore the coast of Brazil. During this expedition Vespucci is said to have discovered the Amazon River and Cape St. Augustine. On May 14, 1501, Amerigo departed on another journey. Now on his third voyage, Vespucci set sail for Cape Verde. Amerigo’s third voyage is largely considered his most successful. Vespucci did not start on in command of the expedition, but when Portuguese officers asked him to take charge of the voyage he
In 1493 Christopher Columbus arrived in Puerto Rico. The island was originally called San Juan but this changed when Christopher found gold in the river, this soon caused him to change the name to Puerto Rico, and when translated it means “rich port” for obvious reasons. Soon after Puerto Rico became a spanish colony.
than in any other country in the world. Many still speak Quechua, the language of the Incas. In 1975, Quechua was made one of the official languages.
In recent years, an increasing number of professors, commentators, journalists, and teens on social media have claimed that capitalism has failed. What usually follows are suggestions to usher in a new wave of socialism, as if the chaos in Venezuela is somehow non-existent or something truly desirable.
Before the arrival of Columbus, Venezuela was inhabited by a number of indigenous groups, including the Caracas, Arawak, and Cumanagotos. In 1498, Columbus became the first European to explore the area. The Spanish soon began conquering offshore islands and coastal regions. They named the area Venezuela ("little Venice") because the coastal homes were built on stilts, reminding them of Venice, Italy. Caracas, the capital, was founded in 1567.
The official language in Columbia is Spanish. All Columbians speak Spanish except the indigenous populations. The upper social classes speak English in the major cities, but it is not commonly used nor understood well. Outside urban areas, Spanish is the only mode of communication. Columbia also has over 200 indigenous languages and dialects.
“Gloria al Bravo Pueblo” (Glory to the courageous humans) became adopted as Venezuela’s countrywide anthem through President Antonio Guzmán Blanco on May 25, 1881. The lyrics had been written via the physician and journalist Vicente Salias in 1810. The tune changed into later composed by way of musician Juan José Landaeta. It is also called La Marsellesa Venezolana.
Trinidad, a small island off the coast of Venezuela, was rediscovered in 1498 by Christopher Columbus while he was on his third voyage to discover the new world. Trinidad was inhabited by the Arawak’s prior to being stumbled upon by Columbus. After Columbus rediscovered Trinidad, they were put under control by the Spanish. This reign of power would eventually end in 1797 when the British took over. (2007, November 06) Britain would also take control of another territory in 1814. Tobago would now be under British control and be a part of Trinidad in 1889. (2007, November 06) Then in 1962, they gained their independence from the British. (2007, November 06)
The oil-rich Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, located on the northern coast of South America, was for many decades considered among the wealthiest nations in the entire continent. While having the largest proven oil reserves in the world has often proved a tremendous boon for Venezuela, the very black gold that has been the cause of its success has also proven to repeatedly be its kryptonite. Over half of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product stems from petroleum exports – which equates to approximately 95% of total exports. It is really not too hard to imagine what drastic consequences shifts in global oil prices could have on the economy.
Luisa Caceres de Arismendi was a heroine of Venezuela's fight for independence. She was recognized for her bravery in confronting the Spanish who attempted to trade her for the surrender of her husband General Juan Bautista Arismendi. In recognition of her loyalty and fight for Venezuela's independence, her remains were entombed in the Panteon Nacional.
In order to determine the tourism products that Uyuni has to offer, it is first important to delineate the geographical area that is discussed throughout this paper. The Bolivian territory is divided into department, provinces, municipalities, and indigenous territories (Assembly of Support to Bolivia, n.d.a). The Salar de Uyuni is part of the Department of Potosí, a region located in the south west part of Bolivia in the frontier with Chile and Argentina (Bolivia Informa, 2013). More specifically, the Salar de Uyuni belongs to autonomous municipality of Uyuni, a public entity that is in charge of the governmental administration of the salt dessert (Bolivia Informa, 2013). This Bachelor Paper II analyzes the region (referred to as Salar de