
The Book Thief Essay

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The Book Thief Task 1: Literary Elements 1) Setting: The story takes place in a small fictional town of Molching, just outside of Munich, Germany. 2) Tone: Desperately Hopeful 3) Style: Foreshadowing 4) Theme: Love, War, Courage, Suffering. 5) Point of View: First Person 6) Brief Description of the Main Characters: - Liesel Meminger She is a hardworking, book-loving, kind person. She loves books so much, she steals them. Even though she doesn't know how to read, and doesn't have much time on her hands, in the beginning at least. She is known as the book thief. - Rudy Steiner He is Liesel's lemon haired sidekick. He is ten year old boy with bony legs, sharp teeth, gangly blue eyes, and hair the color of a lemon. Rudy wants to become …show more content…

He had been struggling during his life. He was a strong fist fighter. - Hans Hubermann Hans is Liesel's foster father and one of the great loves of her life. He is a really nice guy. He plays the accordion most of the time. Especially to Leisel when she wakes up screaming. - Rosa Hubermann She is Liesel's foster mother. She loves Max and takes care of him. Rosa and Liesel don't have a good relationship in the beginning, but then it gets better. She punishes Leisel by hitting her with a wooden spoon. 7) Small Summary: Trying to make sense of the horrors of World War 2, Death relates the story of Liesel - a young German girl whose book-stealing and storytelling talents help sustain her family and the Jewish man (Max) that they are hiding, as well as their …show more content…

14). Compound Sentence -"Had the apprentice been reading the complete works of Goethe or any other such luminary, that was what would have sat in front of them" (pg. 65). -"It sounded like an instrument, or the notes of running feet" (pg. 135). -"He was educated well enough to get by, but he was certainly no writer, and no artist" (pg. 223). Complex Sentence:-"Curiosity got the better of me, and I resigned myself to stay as long as my schedule allowed, and I watched" (pg. 7). -"He remained shrouded in his uniform as the graying light arm-wrestled the sky" (pg. 11). -"Liesel assumed he was there to make sure she wouldn't run away or to force her inside if she gave them any trouble"(pg.27). - Clauses Subordinate Clause:-"If her mother loved her, why leave her on someone else’s doorstep" (pg. 32). -"Usually it was like spillage-cold and heavy, slippery and gray-but once in a while some stars had the nerve to rise and float, if only for a few minutes" (pg. 45). -"No one seemed to know the real name that belonged to him, or at least if they did, they never used it. (pg.

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