
The Book Thief Relationship Essay

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The book that I chose was The Book Thief, and the two significant characters in the novel which will be used to depict their changing relationship are Liesel Meminger and Max Vandenburg.
One day, Max showed up at Liesel’s foster parents’ house critically ill. Max’s father had saved her foster father’s life before, so Liesel’s foster father decided to take the risk and help him. Rosa and Hans Hubermann urgently let Max into their house, where they put him in Liesel’s room. While Max slept for three days consecutively, Liesel watched him by his side. She realized that she and Max had a lot in common as they both arrived in a state of agitation and they both nightmared.
On Liesel’s birthday, Max did not have anything to offer her as a birthday present. However, he did wish …show more content…

Thus, as their vocabulary was not strong, they started learning together. Not long after, it became a routine for Liesel to start reading in the basement while Max wrote down words for a book.
Next year during winter, Liesel brought down snow to the basement to make a snowman and have a playful snowball fight with Max, Rosa and Hans Hubermann. However, because of the cold, Max fell ill and did not wake up for a while. Liesel felt devastated and blamed herself for causing Max to be ill. This is inferred from, ““Why did I have to bring all that snow down”. Liesel cared very much for Max and she was praying for Max to be alright which she asked. “ It started all of this, didn’t it, Papa?” She clenched her hands as if to pray. From this, we can show a major difference from when Liesel first met Max.
Liesel’s and Max’s relationship contributed to the theme of the story as it showed the irony of Adolf Hitler’s commands. Adolf Hitler said that no Jew was to be spared and that all Jews should be executed, but Liesel and Max’s relationship showed a German and a Jew being very close

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