
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

The fence in “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas,” is a Physical separation between Bruno and Shmuel but it is also a separation of views, ideals and differences.

The separation of views is present in the Aryan German people alienating the Jews from society and imprisoning them in concentration camps. This showed that the German people felt they were superior to everyone this is present when Bruno tell Shmuel “We’re Superior” Page 112, this makes it evident that he is an Aryan German seeing as these are some of the main points of being Aryan. That you are superior to all other races or religions. One of the ways the Aryan people or Nazi’s did this was by forcing Jewish people to wear the Star of David. This made it easier for the Nazis to pick out the Jews from the German populace. This is also evident in the book when Bruno sees that Shmuel is wearing an armband with the Star of David. “... he wore an armband with a star on it.” The Nazis believed the Jews were non-human so they worked them to death. In the book there is no concrete evidence of this although it is implied through indirect …show more content…

Another way Separation of ideals is present is in Bruno's Grandmother and Grandfather. Bruno's Grandmother does not agree with the government ideals where Bruno’s Grandfather praises his son and strongly agrees with what the Government is doing. This is shown on Page 90. In the book another way this is shown is through Bruno’s Parents, Mother and Father, Bruno’s Mother similar to Bruno’s Grandmother doesn’t always agree with what is being done and often argues with Father throughout the book. Where Father during the majority of the book is eager to do what his Fuhrer says. Even if it puts a strain on his

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