
The Brain Storm Chapter 1 Summary

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In chapter 10 of Jordan- Young’s Brain Storm: The Flaws in the Science of Sex Differences, the argument that our minds are not naturally hardwired to have substantial differences based on gender, but that social environments affect behavior is made. She make an analogy of human behavioral differences to the achillea plant, which develops differently based on its environment, to show that the environment can be especially influential in development in humans as well. Moreover, there is a point to be made about how this conversation of nature and nurture should include the interactionism approach: biology and developmental environment both having influence (Madva Lecture, March 8). Jordan- Young believes that the brain is malleable through environment, …show more content…

For example, I made a personal transition from focusing on socializing to education; which unbeknownst to me, also resulted in me not attending to the pressures heavy socialization has on behavior, and leading me to develop interests in hobbies that do not fit in society’s ideals of ‘feminine’ behavior. Watching basketball religiously, learning about cars and buying a manual-transmission car, being constantly surrounded by men, acting like a beer and coffee connoisseur, working sixty-seventy hour weeks, etc. has given me the label of a tomboy. So much so that when I acted surprised from hearing it the first time (because in my mind, I visualized a girl wearing all black and skateboarding), my friend asked me “what look are you going for then?” I am highly doubtful that science will ever discover a strand directly related to interest in basketball in my genotype. Leaving environmental factors, namely exposure to basketball to explain my behavioral characteristic of enjoying basketball in my phenotype. Moreover, the factor of surprise in my friend serves as evidence that societal influences are so dominant in our interpretation of each other’s behavior that when faced with a case that is not directly influenced by such environmental factors, we are at a void of plausible

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