
The Brand Awareness Of Multinational Companies And Social Media Essay

Decent Essays

2.4. The brand awareness of multinational firms and social media

According to the content above, it is clearly to see brand awareness is the most important goal for multinational firms, Tomi Jokinen has undertaken a study about brand awareness on social media in 2016. Jokinen (2016) stated that brand awareness is a very important in brand equity, and increasing brand awareness is usually one of the most important goals of branding. “Brand recognition refers to the consumer’s ability to recognize a brand when presented with a visual or a verbal cue. Brand recall on the other hand refers to the consumer’s ability to remember a brand name when thinking about the category it is linked to.” (Percy and Rossiter 1992, 265). Simultaneously, Jokinen (2016) demonstrated that on social media users can engage in direct conversation with brands and with each other, which makes it a good platform for relationship and word-of-mouth marketing. Here is two-directional vertical engagement can be seen in Figure 1. (Blanchard, 2011, 10)


ORGANIZATION CONSUMERS Figure 1. Vertical engagement: two-directional
Source: Blanchard (2011, 10)
“Today social media allows users to share content, links, comments, and post their opinions that reach a multitude of other users rapidly.” (Jokinen, 2016), the later engagement can be seen in Figure 2. (Blanchard 2011, 11)
Figure 2. The later engagement Source: Blanchard

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