A male barista walks toward the Brewhouse entrance and flips the welcoming sign which is hanging on the door from close to open. The barista turns his head down to see his watch that shows 10 o’clock morning time. He observes through the window to see customer sightings. Then, a sport car is driving towards the coffee shop and decided to stop. The barista is rushing to the counter and getting ready to serve the first customer of the day. The door bell rings as the customer from the sport car pushes the door to enter. The customer happens to be Flash, the slow talking sloth character from Zootopia film. The barista smiles to Flash and greets him enthusiastically. Flash replies very slowly his greet and starts to ask about coffee machine. Flash
“Steel Magnolias” is a story about the close-knit relationships between six eccentric Southern women living in a small town in Louisiana. The film has a home spun, unpretentious feel to it. The plot alternates between humorous, everyday events with good-natured quips and the seriousness and heartaches to life’s unexpected crises. Through the laughs and tears, the six women learn to endure hard times and emerge from the struggles with grace and dignity. The film is set in the 1980’s with a tight knit homespun atmosphere. The Southern belles who are goofy on the outside but strong enough inside to survive any challenge that life deals them. Friendships help with a
This paper presents analysis of five movies and the analysis of every movie examined various aspects film form which range from visual design, literary design, editing, cinematography and sound design. First and foremost, we have the Lemon Movie which was produced by Hollis Frampton in 1969. In general, this movie is a silent movie and it has no sound at all. The Lemon Movie seems to be an experimental movie that was performed by having a static lemon. It is an ostensibly a one short film that represents a radical pairing of materials and methods. It gives a portrait of a superstar fruit which begins to show up in darkness before it gradually comes into sight. From the movie, we learn of how important light can be. It is however difficult to learn the flow of the movie since things seem not changing except for gradual process of coming to light then disappearing. The most interesting thing in this movie is how the lemon changes its outlook when the light comes and disappears.
If you have not seen Dazed and Confused than you are really missing out. It is a great movie that relates from everything to High School to Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll. With an outstanding cast (from the past) it is a movie that everyone can relate to. Dazed and Confused reflects the lifestyle of kids that are entering high school for the first time, to seniors owning the school and being the "man" on compass. It portrays that freshman must watch their backs at all times and if you think you're as cool as the seniors, then you better watch out. There is a ritual that the seniors do to the freshman that have given so many people in reality a though of. With School being out for summer, in Dazed and Confused, it offers a great soundtrack from
During the end of the 3rd Century, the Playwright Plautus wrote many of the first Roman comedies. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum is a musical comedy film adaptation of Plautus's comedies.Set in ancient Rome, many aspects of Roman theatre, including stock characters, were included in the film’s production. While the film is based off of multiple comedies, Plautus's Pseudolus character Calidorus is nearly identical to the film’s Hero. During the time Pseudolus was written, the Crisis of the Third Century led to up to 25% of Roman population being comprised of slaves(Southern). Of the many stock characters Platus included in his comedies, Calidorus/Hero, the son of Pseudolus’s owner and the stock character adulescens, best
Suspense comes from the reader being in a state of anxiety, worrying about whether the protagonist will overcome his or her flaws and conflicts, from the beginning to the end of The Most Dangerous Game the author Richard Connell used this writing technique to hook the reader. During a short story the suspense starts when you ask yourself “Will the protagonist be ok” in The Most Dangerous Game this is when Rainsford the protagonist falls off of his boat and gradually builds through the conflict until the climax. An exemplary quote showing what I have stated above is “ I want the ideal animal to hunt... Hunting? Good God general Zaroff, what you speak of is murder.”
The United States has been involved with multiple of wars over the years. But there is one war that the United States cannot seem to be win; the War on Drugs. Drugs have been around for years and years. The House I Live In, a film made in the 2012. Is a documentary about the war on drugs; how it has affected the country and individual people/families. During the film the narrator Eguene Jarecki goes from city to city showing and explaining how drugs have affected different individuals and their families. Eguene talks about the Boggs Act which was the start of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing on drug crimes. This law has put away about 2.3 million people. Which the majority of those prisoners have charges that are nonviolent drug crime acts. Eguene
To my understanding, the movie Home for the Holidays not only reveals a lot of potential family conflicts, but also reflects a lot of different communication approaches of the various family members. As a foreigner, I have never experienced Thanksgiving homecoming dinner before, so I may cannot understand some of the holiday customs in the movie, but I found out that their family interactions are interesting indeed.
The film The Breakfast Club was directed and written by John Hughes and was released in the year 1985 (IMDB, 2016). The film’s running time is 95 minutes and can be categorized under the genre of comedy and drama. It follows five teenagers, who all vary in personality and stereotype, get stuck in detention on a Saturday morning. They are all different types of people in nature but when stripped down and seen through without a stereotypical lens, they all have something to share and have something in common amongst themselves despite being so different from each other. In the movie, they are stereotyped as, a basket case, a brain, an athlete, a princess, and a criminal (IMDB, 2016). The setting takes place in a library and whilst they are in detention, they go through varying phases. They start off with solitude, then proceed to share a few words, and later into the film they start to disclose information about themselves that normally would be very difficult to disclose. While they are in the library they start off as complete strangers and barely talk to each other. As the movie progresses, they start doing a lot of things that a normal group of friends would do such as dancing, playing music, sneaking out together, and even smoking a joint together.
SunTrust Bank is one of the nation 's largest financial institutions established in 1891and has it 's headquarter stationed in Atlanta Georgia. The bank offers a wide range of financial services from personal checking, mortgages, credit cards, investments and loans to consumers, businesses, commercial and corporate firms and has several branches and ATM across parts of the country but mainly in the Southern States like Georgia, Maryland, Washington D.C and Virginia. During the fiscal year in 2012, SunTrust netted revenue of $10,475 million increase of 23.4% over the fiscal year in 2011 (SunTrust Bank Inc, 2013). In 2012, SunTrust bank became the seventh financial institution in the U.S history to be affected by a "distributed denial of service attack (DDos) orchestrated by the hacktivist group Izz ad-Din al-Qassam" (Kitten, 2012).
The way I see is that Americans are truly the villain in The Host. Americans do illegal, dangerous actions in Korean, which causes the monster, so Koreans did not like and support how the US operates in their country. For example, in the opening scene, an American ordered his Korean subordinate to dump all the dusty bottle into Han river. It is so crazy and irresponsible. Through the rest of the movie, there is an American doctor with a cross-eyed. That character looks like an idiot, and by extension make the country he represents look idiotic too. Finally, when the US Military in the film decided to use Agent Yellow to cleansing the area and to kill the monster. Koreans organized demonstrations to against the release of Agent Yellow by the
Bordertown by Gregory Nava is about the brave story of a journalist, Lauren Adrian who risks her life to save Eva’s life and investigates the murders of young women in Juarez, who are in a modern type of slavery, which makes people work long periods of time without proper remuneration. The director brings to the screen the immorality and inhumanity occurring in Mexico to these young women. In addition, his message illustrates how democracy in Mexico is not being taken as serious as in other democratic nations and how the American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has disadvantages. For instance, rich and powerful families exploit poor individuals with the government’s consent and with the help of United States through NAFTA. From what I have seen in Nava’s movie, I agree with his message.
The movie, The Breakfast Club, is a movie about five students who get Saturday school and become friends as a result of it. The characters were: Allison, the quiet girl who would sit in the back and refuse to talk; John, the troublemaker who always talked back to the teachers; Claire, the popular girl who always got what she wanted; Brian, the nerdy student who only cared about having good grades; Andrew, the wrestler who was only focused impressing his father. While watching the movie, I mainly related to Brian. He is pressured to have good grades by his parents and is labeled as the nerd because of it. I am also pressured to have good grades; however, I am labeled as the smart kid in many different classes, but I’m not classified as a nerd.
In chapter two of The Cultures of American Film, the main focus is the establishment of studios. As demand for films rose in the early 1900’s, production companies needed to expand; this lead to the creation of large scale studios.
The Minority Report is a film that tries to stop crimes before they happen, with the enlistment of 3 teen pre-cogs. These pre-cogs predict future murders and the authorities swoop in and arrest the would-be murders, before they have the chance of committing the crime. Even thing goes great until Anderton, a cop played by Tom Cruise, is suspected. Written by Philip K. Dick and then turned to film by Steven Spielberg in 2002, the short story to film became a success. Though there are many differences between the book and the movie, one would think Steven Spielberg would not be able to grab audience’s attention, but with his skills, Spielberg went above and beyond all measures. Many times, novels to films end up being either a great hit
In the book “Animal Farm” George Orwell uses terms in his book such as allegory, anthropomorphism, and on the farm in the book a dystopia. He incorporates the terms to his story and at sometimes to his characters in the book. George Orwell’s characters represents to significantly to people in history such as Joseph Stalin And Leon Trotsky. He refers in the beginning of the book to the start of the Russian rebellion and the uprising of the Soviet Union. In The book Animal Farm he tells us all about how the corrupt farm is, but on the farm it’s seen significantly as a government in reality despite not trying to be as much as human. People he preferences to all the time is Stalin or known as in the book Napoleon and also trotsky the rival of stalin or better known in the book animal farm snowball.