
The Bubonic Plague During The 13th Century

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Some people may not realize that the plague to abolish about one third of Europe's population, is still infecting humans. In the 2000s, over 20,000 people became infected by the bubonic plague, but now because of the medical advancements since the medieval times, it doesn't take as many lives. During the 13th through 14th century, when the pandemic had reached its all time high, it had came through fleas biting humans and many had to suffer through the agonizing symptoms. Then it had finally simmered down, but there were long lasting effects from the plague.
The Bubonic Plague was one the largest pandemics to sweep through Europe. It occurred during the late 13th century through the early 14th century affecting over 75 million people (“How”). The plague first hit Asia, then Europe, next to Scandinavia, and finally making its way to Russia (McCabe). The Black Death’s- another name for the plague- origin has been speculated by many different scientists over the years, but it has …show more content…

The bubonic was the first strain and was mentioned in the paragraph above. The pneumonic was more contagious, it was spread through the air- airborne. The plague is spread when the infected coughs up blood and the bacteria spreading it back into the air. The victim will develop a high fever and cough up blood, then the infected will go into a coma and most likely die. The third and most deadly strain is the septicaemic. The septicaemic is the rarest form and once in the bloodstream the infected will develop a rash. Within 24 hours of becoming infected the victim will die. This is the most fatal form of the plague because the victim could go to sleep perfectly fine and then never wake up. Many people at the time of the pandemic could not differentiate between the three strains, making it seem as though they were all one disease, this was part of the cause for mass confusion and panic

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