Transportation is an everyday occurrence in today’s society; it takes you where you need to in a timely manner. In the article “The Bus, a Modern Panacea” by Lester Detroit, he explains that taking the VTA is a “cure-all” solution. Detroit notes that the VTA is convenient because students do not have to drive around to find parking space. He revels that students can save money with the free Echo Pass that is provided with registered SJSU students. He also notes that taking the VTA helps with the environmental problems because it solves traffic congestion, rising oil consumption, and carbon pollution. With Detroit’s statement, I agree with him that the VTA is a “cure-all” solution because it saves money, has health benefits, and is environmentally friendly. Taking the VTA can save thousands of dollars annually. When people pay for gas it usually costs around three dollars per gallon depending on the company. Mantill Williams states in her article, “Individuals Save $9,343 by Riding Public Transit Annually”, that on a monthly basis …show more content…
When someone takes the public transit they usually have to walk from place to place to get to where they need to go. In the article, “Healthy alternative: Take mass transit” by Larry Copeland, he reveals that for every thirty minutes someone is in the car it becomes a 3 percent greater chance of obesity. He also mentions that for every kilometer walked everyday brings a 4.8 percent reduction to that chance. Copeland mentions the Los Angeles “Metro Fit” how it encourages people to exercise more by taking the transit, using the subway, exploring the local attractions, and riding bikes. In my experience, I have to walk to and from the train station every day taking me about twenty-two minutes to walk. Doing this I have walked over 48 miles. I have found this a very healthy way of exercising. A third reason to consider taking the VTA is the reason that it is good for the
Nike was founded by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. The two men met when Bowerman was coaching track and field at the University of Oregon and Knight was a middle distance runner on his team. After earning an MBA from Standford, Knight returned to Oregon and approached Bowerman with an idea to bring in low priced, high-tech athletic shoes from Japan to compete in the United States athletic shoe market. With a handshake and a five hundred dollar investment by both men, Blue Ribbon Sports was born in 1964. BRS began importing shoes from Onitsuka Tiger, with Knight making sales at high school track meets and Bowerman
1. A generous university benefactor has agreed to donate a large amount of money for student scholarships. The money can be provided in one lump-sum of $10mln, or in parts, where $5.5mln can be provided in year 1, and another $5.5mln can be provided in year 2.
a. This particular industry has a constantly increasing cost. There will be an increase in the demand for input factors for one key reason. Every day, new companies will be introduced into this market of remodeling, economic profits being the encouraging factor. Because of this, there will be a bid up on input prices for the companies in the industry of remodeling. “When a market is characterized by a large number of small producers, the demand curve facing the manager of each individual firm is horizontal at the price determined by the
Developing effective retail management is utilizing the space in the store in order to display items that provide the largest contribution to overall profit. Retailers attempt to draw maximum attention to their most profitable products
Motivated by bias toward his perception of Sasha’s gender identity, Richards actions toward Sasha in the book The 57 Bus, by Dashka Slater, qualify as a hate crime according to the FBI’s definition. Both riding home from school on the 57 bus, Richard, a teenage boy, spots Sasha, another high schooler, riding on the back of the bus. In an act of hatred toward his assumption about Sasha's gender identity, Richard holds a lighter toward the skirt Sasha is wearing, and as they sleep, he lights them on fire. Sasha is taken to the hospital, Richard is arrested, and the eight minute overlap of their time on the bus turns into a crime that will define both of them for the rest of their lives. After Richard is detained, the officer questioning Richard asks
The author of this article wrote that it is important for the citizens of Detroit to vote for a public rail and bus transit system. Puentes states that there are a myriad amount of jobs but there is also no way to get to them. Although there are many buses, trains and routes in Detroit, there are no connecting routes from one region to another or to the city itself. This makes it harder for people to get to their jobs in less than an hour. Something else the author mentions is that most of the families in Detroit receive low income, so they cannot pay for all the buses needed in order to go to work.
Moreover, public transportation is mainly common in means of transportation in and out of NYC due to the convenience, cost, and efficiency of public transportation. It has become more easily accessible due to having subways in nearly every other block,which is cheaper and faster. Public transportation is faster than driving into the city at times since it escapes the traffic on roads since it is underneath. Public transportation contains buses,trains,and light rails as well. Once again, automobile and the city of tomorrow can coexist, but it is not ideal in today’s
Also, the system will add in jobs so more people will begin to work in side of the county, growing its economy. Consider a small family: two children, their parent, and a grandparent. This family only has one car. Between work, school, and doctor’s appointments, the parent of this household is constantly stressed just worrying about getting everyone where they need to be while also getting to work on time every day. Then, what if the parent has a blue collar job, (common in Twiggs County), they may not make enough money to afford to skip work for doctor’s appointments. Thus, the grandparents and the kids have to forgo their healthcare because the parents does not have the time. By including a public transportation system, even if just to the local hospitals, everyone is guaranteed a way to the doctor’s office without the parent missing work. This decreases the mental distress of the parent and increases the physical inactivity of the
From here on, I am going to illustrate my lifestyle in a rural area versus a well developed city. I came from a small village in China. Walking to places has been build on me since I was a little kid; it was one of my habit. Back in the days, nothing seems handy to own. I remembered it was indeed hard to own a small motorcycle, not to speak of cars. On account of that, I treasure walking gratefully. I can walk to my school, relative's house, convenient stores, as well as markets for food. That has been my lifestyle for ten years until I came to the United States. My lifestyle has changed from walking to commuting through buses. San Francisco is a fairly developed city. We can access to every part of SF through muni, and the buses come in very often. Gradually, I start taking the bus to school, to hangouts with friends, and restaurants. I don’t remember when but I started to feel and think buses are so convenient. I rely on buses so much that I became surprisingly lazy. I would choose to take the bus even when the destination is
Improving transit will reduce commute time and amount of cars on the road. Toronto is ranked 47th worst traffic in the world. This means that Toronto has a real traffic problem. We must improve the system. This means, having better bus routes and more buses, more subway lines. Toronto currently has only 4 subway lines. This is nothing compared to New York with 34 lines. If our transit
Public transportation provides numerous positive attributes to the community at large. It enhances personal opportunities by providing personal mobility and freedom, gives people transportation options to get to work, go to school, visit friends, or go to a doctor’s office, provides access to job opportunities. It saves fuel and reduces congestion, provides economic opportunities and drives community growth and revitalization. Statistically, every $1 invested in public transportation generates approximately $4 in economic returns, every $10 million in capital investment in public transportation yields $30 million in increased business sales, every $10 million in operating investment yields $32 million in increased business sales, and from 2006-2011, residential property values performed 42 percent better on average if they were located near public transportation with high-frequency service. Public transportation saves money and reduces gasoline consumption. According to APTA’s transit saving report, a two-person household can save, on the average, more than $10,174 a year by downsizing to one car. Public transportation use in the United States saves 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline annually and households near public transit drive an average of 4,400 fewer miles than households with no access to public transit. Public transportation also reduces the carbon footprint in that its use
Imagine yourself sleeping on a bus to wake up engulfed in flames and seeing people laughing at you burning up. The book The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater talks about a real incident that occurred in Oakland, California. The person that was set on fire on a bus was an 18 year old agender person named Sasha Fleischman. Agender means that the person doesn’t identify as male nor female and use the pronouns they, them, their. They were set on fire by an 16 year old African American male named Richard Thomas. Sasha is middle class, lives in the Oakland hills and attends a private high school at Berkeley. Richard, on the other hand, is working class, lives in East Oakland and attends Oakland High School. Richard at 16 was charged as an adult for putting
Transportation in the region has a long and successful past. However, public transportation has consistently taken a back seat to the personal automobile. There has been a strong core of persons who rely on public transportation to achieve mobility, and governmental
Fifty cents of the gasoline tax dollar increase will go towards making the public transit system more feasible to people. This includes more bus stop locations, more arrival and departure times, more accessible train and airplane facilities, and increased safety precautions. Cheaper fares would also be a good means to increase the use of public transportation. In Huntsville, Alabama where the town is trying to have an efficient city system and is doing well at it, the tourist trolley fare is one dollar per trip and two
Public transportation is serious need of a massive overhaul in this nation. We are in desperate need to catch up to the European standard of public transportation in this country. In Europe, citizens can travel across cities, bodies of water, and even counties with their state of the art public transportation system. Europeans are not nearly as reliant on cars and oil as the United States is because they have the much more practical option of taking the transportation provided to them by the government to where ever they need to go. They have set a model that the United States needs to strive for and meet in the near future.