
The Bus A Modern Panacea Summary

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Transportation is an everyday occurrence in today’s society; it takes you where you need to in a timely manner. In the article “The Bus, a Modern Panacea” by Lester Detroit, he explains that taking the VTA is a “cure-all” solution. Detroit notes that the VTA is convenient because students do not have to drive around to find parking space. He revels that students can save money with the free Echo Pass that is provided with registered SJSU students. He also notes that taking the VTA helps with the environmental problems because it solves traffic congestion, rising oil consumption, and carbon pollution. With Detroit’s statement, I agree with him that the VTA is a “cure-all” solution because it saves money, has health benefits, and is environmentally friendly. Taking the VTA can save thousands of dollars annually. When people pay for gas it usually costs around three dollars per gallon depending on the company. Mantill Williams states in her article, “Individuals Save $9,343 by Riding Public Transit Annually”, that on a monthly basis …show more content…

When someone takes the public transit they usually have to walk from place to place to get to where they need to go. In the article, “Healthy alternative: Take mass transit” by Larry Copeland, he reveals that for every thirty minutes someone is in the car it becomes a 3 percent greater chance of obesity. He also mentions that for every kilometer walked everyday brings a 4.8 percent reduction to that chance. Copeland mentions the Los Angeles “Metro Fit” how it encourages people to exercise more by taking the transit, using the subway, exploring the local attractions, and riding bikes. In my experience, I have to walk to and from the train station every day taking me about twenty-two minutes to walk. Doing this I have walked over 48 miles. I have found this a very healthy way of exercising. A third reason to consider taking the VTA is the reason that it is good for the

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