
The Bystander Effect : Personal Distress And Empathy Emotions

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General Project Information Principal Investigator Jeannette Dorado Project Title: The Bystander Effect: Personal Distress and Empathy Emotions Abstract: Briefly describe the purpose, research design, and site of the proposed research activity. The purpose of this experiment is to understand the Bystander theory. John M. Darley and Bibb Latane found that the bystander effect is more likely to show if a person is willing to help when being in a non-emergency situation than an emergency situation. (Darley and Latane, 1969). For this experiment, it will be tested to see if emotions such as personal distress and empathy interferes with one’s ability to act during an emergency situations. For this experiment, a survey to 60 participants …show more content…

The participants will be asked from social media such as Facebook or Twitter. Participant Recruitment How will the participants be recruited? Approximately how many participants will be involved in the research? For this experiment, needed are 60 participants of any race or gender, who are willing to help with this experiment. Participant must be 18 years old in order to participant in this experiment. The participants will be recruited through social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Confidentiality of Data/Anonymity of Participants Briefly describe the precautions that will be taken to ensure the privacy of the participants and the confidentiality of the information. Will participants’ names be attached to data? How will the data be stored? Will the participants be anonymous? Are the data sensitive? The results of the participants will be only reviewed by the experimenter and the professor, Dr. Kris Vasquez. The surveys that is being provided to the participants will be anonymous for other viewers. The data will be anonymous for other viewers, besides the experimenter. Participants will be informed of this before taking the survey. Benefits of the Research Briefly describe the expected benefits of the research, both to society and to the individual participants. The benefits for this experiment are being able to show society and the participants in this

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