
The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari Essay

Decent Essays

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is the name of a silent film that was released in 1920. The main characters are Dr. Caligari (played by Werner Krauss) Francis (played by Friedrich Feher), Alan (played by Hans Heinrich von Twardowski), Cesare (played by Conrad Veidt) and Jane (played by Lil Dagover) (Rotten Tomatoes).
A scene that captures the spirit of the movie is Alan’s murder. In the scene, Alan started out sleeping quietly in his bed. Alan’s murderer first appeared as a shadow that slowly encroached upon his bed. Alan quickly became aware of the shadow. Alan’s expression looked to be that of pure horror. His eyes were wide and his mouth gaped open. Alan struggled with the shadow. The details of the shadow then became a bit clearer. A large pointed object was held by the shadow. After a brief struggle between the shadowy figure and Alan (who is …show more content…

I did not find that the movie was predictable. It kept me guessing until the very end. The basic plotline is that Francis was retelling the story of an experience that he had in the past. Francis and his friend Alan decided to go to the fair. At the fair, they encountered a strange display by a man called Dr. Caligari. This set into motion a series of events. These events would lead to Francis making the decision that he would unravel the mystery of his friend’s murder and in doing so, find out what exactly was going on with the secretive Dr. Caligari. The rest of the film plays out at Francis made discoveries about Dr. Caligari. As the film closes in on its conclusion, the audience is led to believe that the mystery is neatly wrapped up. But, then…a plot twist! It was easy to dislike Dr. Caligari as a character. He seemed very devious. He also seemed to always be one step ahead of everyone else. I admired the tenacity that Francis showed. Though he may have been misguided, he resolutely pressed on until the very

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