The case against Obamacare For healthcare coverage to work a healthcare system needs to be in place. The biggest thing we need to take away from this is whether healthcare is a commodity or human right and that it’s affordable. The people want the healthcare to be reform, but reformed in a better direction than what the Affordable Health Care Act is presenting. The people don’t want Washington to decide what type of care they need; the decision should be left upon the people. The new law being passed is causing hardship to the people, it’s government and it’s causing stress in the community. The healthcare congress is trying to build is incompatible with the consumers and free market of today. The first stages of the plan spread a flood of controversial rules, regulations and guidelines that affected millions of lives in America. The people felt that the administration had the upper hand in the healthcare because they were knowledgeable about the system and were more than likely to receive exemptions than the less fortunate. In simple terms, it allowed the Health and Human Services to determine whom wins and who losses. The bill was supposed to improve or reform the healthcare issue in America, but Obamacare seems to be doing the opposite. It’s causing a riot to the public because it seems like it’s taking more money away from the people and categorizing them on what care they should be receiving. Repealing the Act is what congress needs to do, according to
The question of whether or not Congress has the power to force people to buy health insurance has been highly advocated by the supporters, and highly scrutinized by the opposition. The constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 has thus been defended on both sides. Advocates argues why it is constitutional by providing reason and benefits of the Act, and the opposition argues why it is not constitutional by providing reason, and stating the drawbacks of the Act. The debate about the Constitutionality of the Act boils down to whether has Congress violated its powers as outlined in Article I of the Constitution.
In America today there are approximately 17.6 million children 18 and under who have a pre existing health condition. These conditions range from just having asthma or breathing problems to a serious disease like diabetes or cancer. Getting treatments for these conditions costs a lot of money. If your child is one of the 17.6 million that has a health condition how are you going to pay for the expenses? Now the insurance companies will turn you down since he or she has a condition already Or will they? With the new health care law in place now your son can get the health insurance he needs to be healed in no time. The Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare” is the law that will change health care forever. Obamacare will help Americans because it will give every American access to healthcare, lowers the healthcare costs while improving the quality, and will give patients new consumer protections.
The arguments for/against ObamaCare health care are extensive. This giant law has so many parts that the average American does not even know what is really in this bill. The main supporters argue the bill is constitutional. They believe it is constitutional on three different "powers" of congress under commerce/interstate activity, the necessary and proper clause and the taxing and general welfare clause.
The new healthcare law is being shoved down American throats. A recent statistic shows that 8.2 million Americans are not able to find jobs because of the Affordable Care Act. In order to get money for healthcare there are new taxes, on those who are paid more and also on young and healthy people. The ACA currently has had six lawsuits filed against it. The Affordable Care Act keeps getting delayed by the very administration that created it. Healthcare reform has cost lots of valuable money and time, caused confusion, and generated lawsuits challenging it.
Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) has serious implications in almost all the sectors of the US healthcare system. The health insurance companies are the greatest losers because of Obama Care. What they believed to be a sound policy that would help them and increase their earnings, has turned out to be a bad policy. I feel that Obama Care is battering the health insurance companies. I agree that the concerns raised by the US healthcare system are valid. It is true that the Obama care policy has not been of great benefit to their businesses. Companies have been suffering significant losses because of Obama Care. It is unfortunate that the advocates of Obama care continue to argue that the Obama care is of great benefit to the insurance companies, yet they do not have a better understanding of what the insurance business entails. While they projected that the policy was going to increase the revenue of the insurance companies due to the many subscribers, they do not consider that companies are making losses. It is very true that Obama Care is impacting healthcare providers negatively. The concerns of the US healthcare system are also supported by other insurance companies who are complaining about the same issues. The US healthcare system should take a step and refrain from taking any other policies related to Obama Care. It is not viable to continue making losses since the same will affect businesses growing concern. Obama Care was expected to support the insurance companies,
In June 2012, Time Magazine published a special reports/issue regarding Chief Justice John Roberts and Obamacare. Justice Roberts mediated and ruled over the issue of healthcare in a situation where the Supreme Court vote was deadlocked. The issue features articles describing the political and social context in which Roberts made his decisions and examines the implications of his actions for the Obama administration as well as for the citizens of the United States of America. Roberts firmly defends his positions, standing up to Republicans and Democrats alike, to the amazement of many, Roberts cedes to neither side and yet also provides satisfaction to both sides. The article refers back to the days of the New Deal when comparing the gravity of Robert's role in American healthcare in this issue. Healthcare is an issue that is important and sensitive to most Americans, particularly during the economic obstacles present and experience during the 21st century. Obamacare is an issue that insights heated debates and intense opinions from all across the political spectrum. Roberts was very much aware of all these tensions are he stepped into court. Since the ruling, various parties involved in this issue have spun the verdict into press for their own objectives. Republicans have taken the "loss" suffered in the compromise and united behind their angst. President Obama has redoubled efforts to pass more and similar kinds of
Dr. Atul Gawande wrote a piece for the New Yorker titled “Now What.” It was published just one short month after President Obama signed into law the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and it addresses a few points of consideration surrounding the controversial law, points that have since compounded into intense debates. For anyone who has glanced at a newspaper or navigated the internet between then and now, it’s impossible to miss; the tension created from the passing of the ACA is palpable. Four years later, the ACA remains a hot topic, especially in political circles.
Ever since announcing his candidacy for the presidency, the now President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, emerged as an anti-Obama regime leader. He vowed that he would scrap off most of the changes that Obama had made when in the presidency (Rovner & Terhune). Some of this included the same-sex marriage legislation and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which is popularly known as Obamacare. The Obamacare is a policy that had benefited a lot of people in the United States, especially those in the middle and lower class factions of the society. They managed to obtain insurance and were able to access medical care despite the increased costs in service provision. However, President Trump did not completely do away with the ACA but
Once the bill became law, arguments arose when discussion began on the specific details, regulations, and strategy for implementation. There are endless angles to approach this law, each with a mix of fact, bias, and prediction. Most viewpoints agree with the primary goal of Obamacare, to make healthcare affordable for everyone, but differ on the balance between the roles that government and private insurance companies should play in the solution. All the ifs, ands, or buts can cause chaos, as nothing of this size has ever been passed before. No matter the opinion or bias, it all comes down to the age-old battle over power and money.
The changes that have been made have been monumental in the health care world. These changes have been positive as well as negative. This new government policy has come about through the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. This new program has been so purely monumental, because government until then had not been directly involved with health care as much as they are. Benefits include lower costs, and thousands of uninsured individuals and families with health care. Downsides are more and higher taxes, and health insurance goes up. There has been much controversy centered around this topic, and many debates bring the good and bad points of Obama care. One significant fact about Obamacare, is that a lot of Americans don’t understand what Obama care is and what it actually is designed to accomplish. The important question to ask, is do the benefits outweigh cons? Many say yes, and many would like to challenge that. The Affordable Health Care act was designed to give aid to thousands that did not, or could not have health care and it has done exactly that, however it has made others pay in their place, and the question still stands. Is that right, or wrong?
One of the biggest topics currently in our lives is politics, with election time right around the corner, politicians are doing everything they can to grab our attention. From having something to tell us every time we turn on the TV, to not being able to open the news paper without seeing some sort of political remark, were surrounded. Along with the repetitive occurrence of the ads, the message is often the same as well, once the candidate gets over bashing their opponent, it is mostly about health care, and the budget. When I think of a politician that is a large activist in this area, especially health care, I think of Minnesota Senator Al Franken. He comes to mind mostly because he is recognized for voting along with President Obama on almost everything, but also he is noted for taking stands and helping make big strides in the health care dispute.
“ObamaCare contains many benefits, especially for low and middle income families and business” (“ObamaCare: Pros and Cons”). Many people have been having concerns on the cost of the insurance because it has raised in cost. There is a new law out there that President Barack Obama passed called ObamaCare. ObamaCare is also known to be The Affordable Care Act (ACA). The goal of this act was to make sure every American had health insurance by January 2014. ObamaCare went from being something good, to a controversial issue towards Americans. This topic is very debatable in positive and negative ways, it just all depends on how it effects someone. One of ObamaCare’s requirements were to have companies provide health insurance to people
Position on Topic: Obamacare is one of the most highly argued topics in today’s economics and politics alike. Many people believe that its goal of universal healthcare is a good thing and that healthcare should be a right as a U.S citizen. Others believe that Obamacare is a disaster causing people to pay more unnecessary taxes in order to compensate for people who are unable to pay for healthcare due to poverty status and is economically unfavorable. There are also people who believe it should be kept but many changes need to be made in order to make it effective. Considering both arguments, I believe Obamacare should be repealed and replaced with a new healthcare policy.
Obamacare may be one of the most debatable topics at the moment ever since 2010. For those who are still confused on what Obamacare is and how it works is understandable and common amongst Americans. Obamacare is also known as the Affordable Care Act. It can be summed up as a law that ensures every American has access to health insurance that is affordable and within their budget. This is done by offering people discounts on government-sponsored health insurance plans, and by expanding the Medicaid assistance program so they include more people who can’t afford health care. In order for someone to qualify for Obamacare they must have an insurance plan that covers at least ten essential services that pertain
After one of the most grueling presidential races in American history, the populous candidate Donald Trump has been elected by the American people as our next president. While campaigning, one of the first things that Trump vowed to accomplish in office was to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act ( Trump should have no trouble doing this with the support of both the Republican senate and the Republican House. The consequences of what exactly will be done is a constantly argued topic and the phrase “repeal and replace Obamacare” has become a sort of buzzword in the media.