
The Cask Of Amontillado Literary Analysis

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Montresor, a heartless man deceives Fortunato, a wine enthusiast into a catacomb with an empty promise. While reading, the reader gets to actually see the irony and really get a feel of both characters but from only one perspective. The story “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe is told by the thoughts and words of a twisted narrator seeking vengeance who gives an impression of “his friend” Fortunato to be some kind of a terrible being, but he gives no insight for why he wants Fortunato to be harmed. Throughout the story Montresor uses his thoughts to emphasize his thirst for revenge to the reader. If the story was told from anyone else’s point of view the reader wouldn’t get the true feeling of hatred that Montresor expresses. As the …show more content…

Through his actions we get to see that he in fact is crazy enough to have such an elaborate plan about how to kill this man. He tricks Fortunato into a catacomb using his own pride of wine against himself, he then gets Fortunato even more drunk than he already is, and he just so happens to be carrying a trowel around which he later uses for the fulfillment of revenge. Montresor makes Fortunato seem evil from the very beginning of the story. He absolutely despises Fortunato and makes sure that he shows it. When describing Fortunato Montresor says things like, “The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne best I could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.”(Page 286) This sentence gives insight to both characters showing that Montresor despises Fortunato and will act in spite of anger and shows that Fortunato is a character to be feared because he is wicked. Montresor makes Fortunato in fact seem like he’s the twisted one in the story which is his point as the narrator because he wants those as readers to feel bad for him but hate Fortunato so we can reason why he killed him. Besides this sentence we don’t get much other understandings of Fortunato’s character which is also due to having the story told by Montresor because again he wants us to perceive Fortunato as an evil

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