Depression is not an illness. It is an excuse for being contemptuous and miserable. Today, the word "depression" is so passively thrown around and completely exaggerated. Clinical depression is defined as “A mood disorder causing a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest." (Webster). Most people who say they have it, really do not! It is typical to just say that they are depressed when they are going through a difficult time in their lives. They use it as a short term solution compared to a long term opportunity to solve the way they are feeling. Lately, there has been an uprise in the number of "depressed" college students. The word depression has suddenly changed from a clinical disease to a way into the "in crowd". College students …show more content…
It has become accustomed that in order to stand out one must be different from everyone else. Typically, this is true. However, are there not more ways to fit in than just being different? It seems that lately being depressed is the "in thing". Is that not an interesting thought? That in order to be cool, one has to be depressed? How about the thought that the emotions someone feels is really just a prolonged sense of boredom and things not going their way? Perhaps they are just not living hard enough and in order to fill the empty hole in their life they come up with the perfect excuse: I am depressed. Not every emotion someone feels determines if they have a serious disease. In the book, “Case Studies in Emotion-Focused Treatment of Depression” the authors discuss emotional-based therapy as a treatment for depression. There are six case studies demonstrated in the book. It was found that emotion-based therapy can be successful as a treatment for depression. Day after day we find scientists and doctors looking deeper into the concept of emotion. It is found that maybe the human brain just does not know how to handle the emotions that come along with everyday …show more content…
While there are instances that depression is serious, it is widely over exaggerated. Students have many opportunities to get the help they need with time management, school work, or any other aspect of the college life. If a student is feeling stressed or having a bad day, help is right around the corner. Students should not throw around the term depression as if it is not a serious disease. Some people do suffer greatly from it and strive to live a healthy lifestyle every day. Perhaps instead of resorting to the worst, students should take a step back and realize where they are and how great their life actually is. Even if a student is having a bad day, it could be worse. An anonymous person once said, “Be thankful for the bad things in life. They open your eyes to see the good things you weren’t paying attention to
To start off, college students today have to deal with depression. When a student has everything due within hours from each other, stress levels go up and feelings of despair settle in. Being an undergraduate myself I have experienced the feeling of low spirits. It like trying and trying to reach the top but you get knocked down every time there’s a new deadline to meet. Some people comfort by turning to drugs, drinking, or by doing self-harm. It can be solved in a healthier way by seeking help by a professional, there are campus counselors that can help and guide students on the right track.
Clinical Depression is a serious common neurological disorder that can affect anyone from the adolescents to the elderly. Clinical Depression affects the mood, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and symptoms could become severe if left untreated. Clinical Depression is widespread and common, but also misunderstood and we should be well informed on the causes, effects, and treatments of depression.
Many people believe that while mental illness exists in the world today, depression is not included and is rather just another form of long-term moodiness. Because of this perspective that societies share, depression has become a bigger problem than it needs to be.
Depression is not just a state of being sad and is not something that will go away after a nights rest. Depression can be defined as “a condition of mental disturbance characterized by such feelings to a greater degree than seems warranted by external conditions, typically with lack of energy and difficulty maintaining concentration or interest in life”. (New Oxford American Dictionary) Depression can be found in more than just the mind, it hides within one’s body, leaving the beholder immobile. Depression does not discriminate, it can affect anyone of any age, background, class, race, or religion. It affects over fifteen million adults in the United States alone. Depression is basically the common cold of mental disorders. Anyone can get it and it is extremely common. The reason why I chose this particular topic is because I suffer from clinical depression as well as anxiety.
However, these college students don’t really seek the help they need. They might not know where exactly to go if they need help or they just think that this is part of the college life. Treatment for symptoms of depression is always there; however students don’t think it would pertain to them or have an effect on them. Some may not even look at it as an option because they don’t want to be judged for it.
Everyone will have a sad moment in their life, whether it is a death, a friend betraying he or she, or not getting accepted to the college of his or her choice. Depression can be described with many different words, but it will come down to sadness. People who live with depression will see lack of joy, energy, and happiness. They will not enjoy life, or living. They see it as pointless and useless. Many people will have a depressing moment at some point in their lifetime. The people who develop depression do not have to be poor or unsuccessful. They can be making millions a year and still be depressed, showing that money and success does not guarantee happiness. To be able to fully understand what depression is, one will need to know the
Sometimes developing healthy relationships can cause depression. It’s a struggle for depressed people to maintain emotional contact white others because it is a consequence that comes along with trying it out. A lot of the time there are depressed people who feel dependent on relationships with others. But if the relationship is threatened or loss it can make the depressed person feel helpless and weak. Depression can make people fear abandonment and they struggle to keep close contact with people. This fear of abandonment can be bad for relationships because people might not like to be depended on all the time and that can turn people away from being friends with the depressed person. Then that can be hard for the depressed
Depression may not seem like much from the outside looking in, but to a person suffering from depression, it is an ailment that brings life to a screeching halt. While most people go through moments of "feeling depressed", these are nothing like bouts of clinical depression.
Nobody truly knows what is the main cause of depression, but there are several factors that play a huge roles in increasing the risk of developing depression. To start with, different types of abuse can impact Clinical Depression. For instance, past sexual, emotional, or physical abuse can increase one’s vulnerability to Clinical Depression later in life. Furthermore, substance abuse of different drugs and alcohol can trigger depression in some people. According to WebMD, “30% of people with substance abuse problems also have Clinical Depression.” ("What Is Depression?"). In addition to various types of abuse, one’s social life could impact their perspective in which they see themselves. This can be a result of isolation from mental illnesses
In 2011 it was found that about 30% of college students reported feeling “so depressed it was difficult to function” (Depression and College Students 1).
Mental illness comes in many forms one of the most prevalent forms facing people today is depression. The realm of depression encompasses many different types and forms, some of these are, Seasonal Affect Disorder commonly called SAD, Bipolar Disorder, Postpartum, Chronic Depression, and situational depression to name a few. When many people think about depression they think about a person who is stereotypically down on life. However they don’t see the people who suffer from extreme highs, as well as extreme lows. They don’t see the people who at one point in time can feel really optimistic, and have grad plans. They may be impulsive and make risky choices without thinking about their consequences. The next day they could have problems
Depression is defined as, “a mood disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty with thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal thoughts or an attempt to commit suicide” (Merriam Webster). A close friend of mine battles depression and would describe it is, “a debilitating mood that makes it hard to get out of the bed in the morning, a desire to sleep all the time, inability to experience joy, and apathy towards life.” Due to its prevalent occurrence among several people groups throughout history, depression is known as the “common cold of mental illnesses” and has been called “the most widespread, serious,
Psychopathological Illnesses come in many different forms; they can alter people mentally, emotionally and physically as well. Depression is a mood disorder that causes feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and social isolation. Affecting an estimated 19 million Americans depression is one of the most common psychological conditions a person will seek mental health aid for. There are levels to depression, such as mild cases known as "baby blues" to clinical or major depressive disorder. Whether the level of severity is small or large depression should never go untreated. Considering the case of actress/singer Demi Lovato, she had been battling depression (along with bipolar disorder) for years before she had decided to seek mental health help.
There are a multitude of elements that influence the onset of depression and depressed feelings. The daily stressors of college life are one contributing factor to depression in college students. Some of the other stressors include: conflict between work and family, relationship problems, financial concerns, and poor grades, lack of social support or networks, a sense of not belonging, having fewer friends, and experiencing loneliness (Lindsey 2009). The economy has had an impact on every party of our society, including education. Heavy student loans are just another burden on these kids who do not know what their future career will hold for them (Curetalk). These different responsibilities are just other factors that influence the emotional health of college students.
Relate to Audience: A lot of college students suffers from depression daily. The stress from being in an unfamiliar environment, working and going to school at the same time can be a very heavy load to deal with. On