
The Causes And Effects Of Higher Education

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The causes and effects of higher levels of education are very beneficial for one’s future. Higher education allows one to be more developed and prepared for the workforce that entails a more enjoyable life than less educated people. In the United States, educated people are 79% more likely to be chosen for a job over a less educated applicant (DePrince). Education allows one to gain many characteristics that are looked for throughout the working world. Success, emotional stability, personal connections, empowerment and personal responsibility are all effects of being highly educated. As a result of these effects of being educated, one’s life tends to be happier and more enjoyable than the life of a less educated individual. Education enables people to be more successful and gives them the upper-hand when it comes to being able to coax through life as an adult. Being highly educated can cause someone’s income to be many tens-of-thousands of dollars higher. In a study done on high school graduates and college graduates with a bachelor’s degree, the results determined that college graduates attain approximately $64,500 annually while those with a high school diploma earn $41,000 (Karageorge). With higher education, better job opportunities appear due to college teaching many versatile characteristics that companies look for. These job opportunities lead to higher salaries and better health benefits covered by the companies than people that are not qualified for these jobs. When people have a high income, they are more financially stable and tend to make ends meet easier. Many people stress over paying bills, paying off debt and being able to do what they want to be happy. When more money is applied to this situation these issue and worries diminish and happiness increases due to the lack of stress over every day problems. Once all the bills are paid people are left with nothing but free time. With this free time and extra money one could do as they want to have fun such as, going on a vacation or buying a new toy like a motorcycle to make them happy. Money is always the ultimate variable in life, due to the world revolving around it. Without success, there would not be as much money, and without as much money

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