
The Causes And Outline Of The American Revolution

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The American Revolution I. Introduction • Beginning in 1775 and ending with a peace treaty in 1783 The American Revolution allowed the 13 colonies to break free from Britain and become the U.S. • They were helped by the French who were so inspired it pushed them to carry out their plans to revolt as well. II. Background • Some causes of the war have been around since the British first settled. • Because the colonies were so far away it took months for news from Britain to reach them they saw self government as a right when Britain had such a loose reign over them • That all changed when the British controlled all of the land from the Appalachians to the Mississippi River and Canada after the French Indian war (1754-63) • The war left them …show more content…

E. The Battle of Saratoga • In the summer of 1777 Howe shifted base from New York to Philadelphia. • Washington couldn’t defeat such a large army and the result was a serious defeat at Brandywine Creek. • Howe took Philadelphia and then defeated Washington at nearby Germantown. • In the same year the British General John Burgoyne invaded the colonies from Canada. • Recapturing Fort Ticonderoga and continuing south until that autumn when the British were defeated at the Battle of Saratoga in New York. • On 17 October 1777 Burgoyne was forced to surrender his army to General Horatio Gates. • If Howe tried he could probably have saved Burgoyne’s army instead of taking Philadelphia. • Howe was criticized and he resigned. • News of the American victory helped Benjamin Franklin (colonist representative in Paris) bring France into the war on the side of the United States. • France declared war on Britain in 1778. F. Valley Forge • Winter of 1777–78 was very difficult for the colonists. At Valley Forge (near Philadelphia) many soldiers deserted, and the ones remaining suffered terribly because of the lack of food and …show more content…

H. The Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown • The end of the war was sudden. • British General Lord Cornwallis marched north to Virginia to follow an American force under the Frenchman the Marquis de Lafayette. • He failed with Lafayette but occupied Yorktown. • There, on the peninsula formed by the York and James rivers, Cornwallis fortified his troops. • Washington saw an opportunity and Admiral François de Grasse of the French navy agreed to help. • He used his fleet to stop a British escape by sea while Washington, with a French and colonial army of 16,000 men, faced Cornwallis on land. • There was no battle, but Cornwallis was trapped. He surrendered his army on 19 October 1781. V. Establishment of the New Nation • The final peace treaty (the Treaty of Paris) was signed on 3 September 1783 in France. • The treaty accepted the United States as an independent nation and set the western boundary at the Mississippi River and Britain kept control of Canada, which opened, up the lands beyond the Appalachian Mountains, and settlers poured into the region. • At the same time, states set up governments and the country began to establish the federal

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