
The Causes For The Decline Of Native Americans Throughout History

Decent Essays

This paper was written to explain the causes for the decline of Native Americans throughout history. Through the course of the discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus in the year 1492, the population of American Indians has diminished drastically. Historians have documented multiple reasons as to why Native Americans are no longer a thriving population. Major causes include, disease, territorial wars, removal acts and many more. For hundreds of years American Indians have been tortured and battered by the effects of America's first colonists. Every factor contributing to the overall decline of the Native American race. This essay will highlight the key aspects and elaborate on those effects.

The arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492 was more than likely the first time American Indians had encountered any humans from another continent. With this being said, human bodies adapt to their surroundings naturally and will develop immunity to diseases. At this time Native Americans never had an experience with any deadly diseases that are commonly known today. Such as, smallpox, typhus, bubonic plague, measles, influenza, and yellow fever. As European colonists and voyagers began traveling further inward on land they carried with them these diseases from their home country. Their bodies having developed immunity to these deadly diseases, come in direct physical contact with Native Americans, causing disease to spread rapidly. The fatalities of these diseases were

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