
The Cell Body

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In a neuron there are many parts the first there is the soma which is the whole cell body that holds everything for example the nucleus. The nucleus is arguably the most important part of the cell it contains all the DNA for the cell and its genetic material, the nucleus is the brain of the cell. Next there are dendrites which are pretty close to the nucleolus in the cell and the dendrites are branched projections of a neuron that act to propagate the electrochemical stimulation received from other neural cells to the cell body, basically collecting information and sending it to the cell body. Axons are the opposite of the dendrites, axons take information away from the cell body, and the axon hillock is what connects the axon to the cell body. Around the axon is the myelin sheath which is an insulating layer that forms around nerves, it is made up of proteins and fatty substances the myelin sheath helps the electrical impulses transmit quickly and efficiently. The myelin sheath actually has gaps in it and these gaps are called the node of Ranvier these gaps are necessary to conduct the electricity flowing through the axon. At the end of the axon the electrochemical stimulation reaches the synapse which is the gap between two nerve cells this is where the information is passed. When the nerve impulse reaches the end of the axon there is the terminal branch, which is what the axons use to make synaptic contact with other cells in terminal branch there are vesicles which are

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