
The Center For Disease Control

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Patient Fall Risk
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that total cost in fall-related injuries will exceed over 30 billion by the year 2020 (Bonuel, Manjos, Lockett, & Gray-Becknell, 2011, p. 156). Reducing the risk of patient falls will minimize patient injuries and reduce financial constraints placed on hospitals. According to the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) the risk of patient falls is a nursing-sensitive indicator (ANA Indicator History, 2015). As a way to subside their anxiety in waiting for assistants the patient makes the decision to attempt moving on their own, a large percentage are related to restroom or bedpan usage an there is a need for physical and emotional care to diminish the risk of fall. The author explains that once a patient is found on the floor (observed or unobserved) or is lowered to the floor this constitutes a fall (Goldsack, Bergey, Mascioli, & Cunningham, 2015, p. 6). In severe cases death can occur do to falls, in minor occurrences bruising, fractures and reopening of wounds can lead to longer hospitalization that can be a financial burden to the patient and hospital. Patient can experiences an array of emotions while hospitalized such as lack of independence fear of repeated falls, embarrassment and anxiety.
Commonly used patient-centered strategies are “ risk for falls” colored wristbands, hourly rounding and visual monitoring either by camera or sitter. During hospital admission, a risk of fall

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